Calculation of Body mass index (BMI) Prevent Visceral Obesity


Use body mass index to find your visceral fat and obesity range. Reduce visceral fat and body mass index with healthy food and lifestyle.

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure for determining body fat in adults of both sexes. The body mass index is calculated by dividing the body mass (kg) by the square of the height (in meters):

BMI = body mass (kg)/(body height (m))2

Example of body mass index calculation:
What BMI does an adult with a body weight of 82 kg and a height of 181 cm have?

BMI = 82/(1.81)2 = 25.03

What does body mass index tell us?

Body mass index is an anthropological measure. That allows us to determine to which body fat category a person with a certain height and weight belongs.

We distinguish between underweight (malnutrition), normal weight, overweight, and 3 types of obesity. The breakdowns by BMI can be found in the table below:


BMI value:

Malnutrition <18.5

Normal body weight 18.5-24.9

Weight gain 25.0-29.9

Obesity type 1 (adipose) 30-34.9

Obesity type 2 (adipose) 35.0-39.9

Type 3 obesity (severe adiposity) >40

You have a normal body weight if your BMI is between 18.5-24.9. BMI values are set arbitrarily based on the impact of excess body fat. Based on the development of disease and the increased mortality rate. Associated with excess obesity.

Diseases that may be associated with obesity include:

High blood pressure,
Cardiovascular diseases,
Osteoarthritis (wear and tear of joint cartilage),
Some types of cancer and untimely death.

Waist circumference is also an important factor in determining the level of risk. For the development of obesity-related diseases.

Why is it important to know your BMI?

Obesity is directly and indirectly related to the development of many diseases. By knowing and controlling your body weight. You can influence the level of risk of the occurrence and development of certain diseases. And keep your body healthy for a long time.

We recommend everyone check their body mass index several times. And react accordingly in case of deviations from the normal body weight.

Our tips

Body mass index between 25-29.9

Based on your BMI, the standard distribution classifies you as overweight. If you are an athlete with a lot of muscle mass. It is possible that you are not one of those people. Where increased body weight could be a problem. Since it is an additional mass at the expense of muscles and not fat tissue.

If, as an athlete, you are still not sure about the appropriateness of your body weight. We suggest you consult with an expert. Who will determine the level of risk for your BMI.

Increased BMI Develop Body Diseases

For all others, this body weight or BMI already carries an increased risk of developing certain diseases. In this case, the groups of people who, due to other predispositions, have an increased risk of developing the disease (problems with the joints, high blood pressure, diabetes…) are the most affected. Waist circumference is also an important factor in determining risk.

A BMI in the range of 25-29.9 represents the following levels of risk based on waist circumference:

Increased risk – in men with a waist circumference ≥94 cm and in women ≥ 80 cm

High risk – in men with a waist circumference ≥102 cm and in women ≥ 88 cm

Increased Body Weight Higher BMI

If you notice an increase in body weight in the BMI range between 25-29.99. We recommend that you regulate your body weight by changing your diet. And the amount of exercise. You can lose weight by having a negative energy balance. The intake of calories in the body is lower than the expenditure of calories.

Reduce BMI Lose Weight Tips

Some quick tips for weight loss:
It is necessary to avoid unhealthy food (chocolate, chips, processed food…)

As part of your restrictions, increase the movement that will ensure the “burning” of fat. The least any of us can do is go for a long walk a few times a week.

You should not eat at least 3 hours before going to bed.
Think of a simple hobby that will still require a certain amount of activity from you. This wi energy you use at the end of the day.

Instead of sugary drinks, drink water that does not contain calories. Here, pay special attention to various “flavored glasses of water”. Which may contain added sugars that affect the energy balance.

Healthy Food Lower BMI

Prepare boiled food instead of fried food.
Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables (fiber) and drink enough water. Fiber and water affect your feeling of satiety. So that you are not constantly hungry and want to reach for snacks.

When you feel hungry for some salty or sweet snacks. We recommend that you also use some food. That has a reduced caloric value as a substitute. Such as meal replacement bars. Which ll affect the feeling of satiety. The added fiber increase, which helps prevent hunger.

Change Lifestyle Reduce BMI

By taking small steps and changing your lifestyle. You can significantly influence the stabilization of your weight below a BMI of 25 in the long term. And thereby take care of your health.

We do not advise you to follow rigorous diets at this BMI level. As they pose a rather high risk of disrupting the balance of your normal diet. And also intestinal microflora.

In the case of extreme diets, with a reduced calorie intake. It is also necessary to pay attention. To the intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other substances important for the body. If you do not consume enough of them due to an inadequate diet, you can do your body a “disservice”.

If you do not achieve a significant impact on reducing your body weight with small measures. We recommend that you consult a pharmacist or your doctor, or a nutrition expert.

Body mass index between 30-39.9

Type 1 obesity (BMI=30-34.9) and type 2 obesity (BMI=35-39.9). Represent a considerable risk for the development of the diseases described above. We recommend that you visit a doctor. Who will carry out a detailed examination of your condition. And give you appropriate advice and possibly therapy.

A visit to the doctor is very important. A detailed examination can reveal whether certain associated diseases have already appeared. Or are you in the formation phase. With appropriate advice and therapy. Your doctor will help you lose weight. And treat the symptoms of the disease.

If you are not sure that you can control your physical problem. We also recommend a consultation with a specialist in the field of nutrition. Who will help you set appropriate menus. And a physical exercise program and also determine the causes of your overeating.

Overeating Emotional Problem

A common cause of overeating is emotional problems. In t case, we advise you to have a frank conversation with someone you trust. Or talk to a psychologist.

Your basic goal with a BMI between 30-39.9 is to stop gaining weight. Have appropriate examinations with a doctor. Set goals and a program of weight loss and physical activity. And start implementing them. On this path, it will most likely be difficult for you many times. But as they say “Where there is a will, there is a way”. And we believe that you can do it!

Body mass index higher than 40

In the case of a BMI value higher than 40. The risk of developing obesity-related diseases and premature death is extremely high. If you are not yet under medical supervision. We advise you to contact your doctor as soon as possible. To discuss further steps in dealing with your obesity.

Normalizing body weight is the first step to better health and improved quality of life.

Additional Help To Lose Weight

In addition to the above, what else can I do to help lose weight?
There are so-called Foods for special groups. Formerly Foods for special nutritional purposes on the market. Which, in addition to all the nutrients necessary for life. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., contain a reduced energy value.

With these foods, you can replace a classic meal. Without fear of depriving your body of important nutrients. If the problems are more severe and it is recommended for you to lose weight in a short period. You can completely switch to foods with a reduced caloric value for a certain period.

Very Low-Calorie Diet

Such a diet is called a “Very low-calorie Diet” – a diet with very low intake. Such a diet assumes that you do not consume more than 800 calories per day. Of course must take place under the supervision of your doctor and can only be carried out for a short time. It is suitable for use by people who have an elevated BMI between 30-40 and need to lose weight quickly.

Medical Weight Loss Devices

There are quite a few medical devices in use for weight loss purposes. These are products with clinically proven action. On mechanisms that enable controlled weight loss. These products work based on a mechanism. That reduces the absorption of fat, sugar, and carbohydrates from the diet. And/or by their action reduces the feeling of hunger. And increases the feeling of satiety.

The use of these medical devices is scientifically supported. And brings results. As long as these devices are used by the instructions. Before long-term use of such devices, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Food Supplement Weight Loss

There are also food supplements that contain the ingredient Glucomannan. From the tuber of the Konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac). Which the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved as a health claim.

Glucomannan contributes to weight loss. And maintain normal cholesterol levels in the blood.
The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three doses of 1 g each. With 1-2 glasses of water before meals and with an energy-restricted diet.

The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 4 g (7 capsules) of glucomannan.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Level

Maintaining normal body weight is an important preventive measure. In preventing disease and taking care of your health. Body mass index (BMI) and measuring waist circumference relatively easily determine the level of risk. And take effective measures to control it.

We recommend that you maintain your body weight. With a healthy diet and a suitable amount of exercise. And by avoiding bad habits. If this is not possible, we recommend consulting your pharmacist or doctor.

If this does not allow you to control your body weight. You can also resort to selected nutritional supplements, medical devices, or foods for special groups. Use these products according to the instructions for use. And inform your doctor and pharmacist about their use.

Weight Gain In Children

In children and adolescents. The ratio between weight and height fluctuates. According to gender and age. The appropriateness of body weight for this group is determined by pediatricians. Who are the appropriateness of standardized curves. Prepared for the selected population.

The weight of the child is always compared according to the reference values. That use has been determined for the gender and the selected age. If you believe that your child is overweight. We recommend that you visit your chosen doctor. Who will determine appropriate measures based on all the other information.


  • What does body mass index tell us?
  • Why is it important to know your BMI?
  • Body mass index between 25-29.9
  • Increased BMI Develop Body Diseases
  • Increased Body Weight Higher BMI
  • Reduce BMI Lose Weight Tips
  • Healthy Food Lower BMI
  • Change Lifestyle Reduce BMI
  • Body mass index between 30-39.9
  • Overeating Emotional Problem
  • Body mass index higher than 40
  • Additional Help To Lose Weight
  • Very Low-Calorie Diet
  • Medical Weight Loss Devices
  • Food Supplement Weight Loss
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Level
  • Weight Gain In Children