How to measure body fat with calipers?


How do calipers estimate body fat? What are caliper measurement’s pros and cons? Everything you need to know about actual calipers measurements and calculating measurements.

Measuring body fat caliper method

Since too much or too little body fat can cause serious health problems, it’s good to know how much you have. We can use several methods of measuring body fat. The calipers method for measuring body fat is among the easiest. And most accurate for health and fitness professionals to perform. To measure body fat, it is best to call a professional, such as a certified personal trainer. Exercise is even more effective if you are familiar with a healthy diet.

Why use caliper measurement?

When deciding whether you are overweight. It is better to rely on measuring your body fat percentage. Rather than your weight. Weight doesn’t tell the difference between fat and lean body mass, but the jaw only measures fat. It is a special instrument for measuring body fat based on skinfold thickness. Learn how to accurately determine how much fat you have in your body using calipers.

Skin caliper types

Invest in quality measurements of the skin-picking jaw. Cheap, poorly made subcutaneous fat calipers do not have the necessary tension control. Some jaws recommended by experts:
Harpenden Skinfold Jaw.
Lafayette leather jaw.
Long jaw.
Slim Guide skin fold jaw.

Body fat percentage meter

The Accu-Measure meter is recommended for measuring body fat. As the only one suitable for self-testing.

Exercise with a body fat monitor. It takes time and experience to become proficient in using a body fat percentage meter. Results often vary between results. So it is very important to use the same probe. And the same type of skin folds measured with the caliper to achieve the same results.

Skinfold meter

The skinfold meter is a precise instrument that measures fat in the body via the skinfold. Perfect help in shaping the body and gaining muscle mass.Measuring range: approx. 0-7 cm. Measuring tape for the body. For easy and accurate measurement of body circumferences. The set is intended for professional and home use. As one of the main tools of personal trainers. And for independent monitoring of progress at home.

Skinfold measurement instructions

Skinfold product content

One caliper
1x table and instructions for measuring with a caliper (English language)
1x tape measure

Usage of skinfold device

Follow the skinfold measurement instructions carefully to get accurate and repeatable results. Have the person relax their muscles while measuring the skinfold. Mark the place of the skin fold. Use a tape measure to accurately determine intermediate points. Hold the skin firmly with your thumb and forefinger. Gently pull away from the body.

Set the caliper perpendicular to the fold, in the indicated place. Read about 1 cm below where you hold the skin. While still holding the skin, lower the caliper so that it presses smoothly against the skin.

You must take at least 2 measurements at each location. If the two results differ by more than 1 mm, repeat the measurement. If the results of the following measurements keep getting lower. It means that the fat is compacting. Try the measurement at a different location and repeat at the first location later.
The final measurement should be the average of the two measurements. That best represents the skin fold at the measurement site.

Caliper measures skin thickness

According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The skin-with-the-teeth method is the most widely used method for assessing a person’s body composition. A caliper is a tool that measures the thickness of the skin on different parts of the body.

Method of measurement with a skinfold caliper

Pull the fold of the skin and grasp it with the jaw of the working hand. Measurements are taken by grasping the skin folds and any accompanying subcutaneous (soft) fat. With the thumb and forefinger. And pulling the skin away from the muscle.

The skin is then pinched with a jaw. Release the jaw latch while continuing to hold the fold of skin with the other hand. Record the measurement reading taken within 2 to 4 seconds. Measure the skin folds in the 4 places mentioned below. Jaws are measured in millimeters. You should take each measurement 3 times. This way we can calculate the average at the end.

Calculate the size of all skin folds

Use an accurate chart to determine your body fat percentage based on skinfold measurements. There are many skinfold info tables available. They convert skinfold size to body fat percentage.
The amount of body fat and its percentage varies by gender, age and fitness level. The accurate table is one of the reliable sources. That determine body fat content according to age and gender differences.

When to perform calipers measuring?

Measurements taken after exercise can lead to overestimation. Due to the transfer of fluid to the skin. So it is best to perform measuring calipers before physical activity.

The best time to use and measure body fat with a caliper is in the morning. Before eating, drinking, exercising, or showering. To get the best results it is good to repeat the measurements. At the same time of day. And under the same conditions.

Measure your body fat every hour at the same time of day with a skinfold caliper. The structure of the body changes slightly during the day due to fluid retention. Never use jaws immediately after training.

Skinfolds measuring advice

Track and measure body fat exclusively by measuring skinfolds. This is a more reliable indicator of progress. Than using tables that convert skinfold size to body fat percentage.

Calipers measurements pros and cons

There are pros and cons to measuring body fat using fat calipers.

Advantages of calipers measurement

They are cheap.
They are easy to use (easu professional).
The measurement is not time-consuming.
They are non-invasive.
They give fairly accurate results. The standard error is 3.5 percent. Depending on the ACE equation used.

Weaknesses of calipers measurement

They may lead to errors in reliability, validity, or both including:

Inter-technician variability (we recommend having the same technician take your measurements consistently).
Variability between sites measured on the body.
We can use different equations.
Readings may not be accurate for people who are very thin or obese.
Cheaper calipers usually provide less accurate measurements.
Another disadvantage is that the meters measure compressed fat. And double layers of skin. And this reduces the accuracy of the results. Compared to the more accurate lipometer. A computerized optical device.

If it is not done correctly. Body fat can be inaccurate. The best way to measure body fat is with a tape measure. This way you can see the changes in your areas of the body. You can follow increases or decrease in body size.

Different measuring points are recommended for different caliper models. Body fat calipers vary in accuracy to within 4 percent

Caliper instrument instructions use

The instrument measures with a constant pressure of 10 g/mm2. The dial has two hands. The larger one shows mm so that 10 units of the instrument equals 1 mm and a complete revolution equals 1 cm. The small pointer shows each unit of 1 cm. The dial of the caliper is rotatable, so before measuring we set the value 0 to the position of the large pointer.

Accuracy of skin folds

Skin folds are measured accurately only where they can be separated from the muscles. Most often, in direct practice and research work. The skin folds of the upper arms and abdomen are measured. All others only when we consider the specific developmental characteristics of the individual.

With the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. Separate the skin with subcutaneous fatty tissue from the underlying muscles. With the caliper held in the right hand. Grasp the skin fold just below the grip. And completely release the grip on the handle. So that both arms can work with the full declared force.

For values up to 20 mm. Such a measurement technique gives stable results. But for larger values. Sometimes the pointer does not stand still. But starts to fall. This can be prevented by squeezing the fold harder with the left hand. But if this does not help. It is necessary to read the value as soon as the holder is completely released.

Skinfold caliper typical measurement locations

Determine the skin fold to measure. The most typical locations are:

Triceps: Measure at the center of the back of the shoulder.
Biceps: Measure in the middle of the front of the shoulder.
Shoulder: Take a measurement just below the shoulder blade.
Waist / Stomach: Measure between the belly button and just above the bone.

Men caliper measuring points

Chest: This diagonal crease is taken halfway between the front axillary line. Between the crease of the armpit and the nipple.
Belly: The fold is vertical and is located a centimeter from the belly.
Thigh: This vertical fold of skin is measured at the front of the thigh, halfway between the hip and knee.

Women caliper measuring points

Triceps: The vertical fold is on the back of the arm, halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. An assistant will be needed to obtain the pinch.
Suprailium: This fold of skin is diagonal and is located on the crest of the iliac bone (iliac crest).
Thigh: This vertical diameter is measured at the front of the thigh, halfway between the hip and knee.

The accurate calipers measurement process

Fold the skin with the left thumb and forefinger so that the fold is 1 centimeter above the site.
Place the jaw perpendicular to the crease. About 1 inch below the thumb and forefinger. Then press down on the pad of the thumb.
Read the button two seconds after releasing the trigger. Note this measurement.

Take each reading at each location, but wait at least 15 seconds between readings. Take the average in a pinch. Include metrics.
To determine body fat percentage using these measurements. You must first calculate body density using the Jackson-Pollock equation.

Jackson-Pollock caliper method

Jackson-Pollock caliper method is considered the most accurate caliper measurement method. This method examines and checks three locations. These depend on the gender of the person and are always taken on the right side of the body.

And although it is possible to test yourself. We recommend that a professional perform this test. For the most accurate result.

Jackson-Pollock formula

Enter the person’s measurements and age into the J formula.

Jackson Pollock’s formula for men

Body density = 1.10938 – (0.0008267 x A) + (0.0000016 x B) – (0.0002574 x C)

A = The sum of the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs in millimeters
B = The square of the sum of the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs in millimeters
C = Age

Jackson Pollock’s formula for women

Body density = 1.0994921 – (0.0009929 x A) + (0.0000023 x B) – (0.0001392 x C).

A = The sum of skinfolds of triceps, waist, and thighs in millimeters
B = The square of the sum of skinfolds of triceps, waist, and thighs in millimeters
C = Age

Siri equation

Convert body density to body fat percentage using the Siri equation, which is the same for men and women:

Body fat percentage = x 100
All this math can be complicated. So remember there are always online calculators to help you figure it out.

How to estimate body fat percentage?

Body fat percentage is classified by ACE as essential, athletic, acceptable, or obese. Women tend to have more body fat than men. To maintain periods and have children, so there are different ranges between the two sexes.

Body fat percentage norm

Athletic body fat percentage
Women: 10 to 13 percent
Men: 2 to 5 percent

Fit body fat percentage
Women: 14 to 20 percent
Men: 6 to 13 percent

Acceptable body fat percentage
Women: 21 to 24 percent
Men: 14 to 17 percent

Thick body fat percentage
Women: 25 to 31 percent
Men: 18 to 24 percent

Obesity body fat percentage
Women: more than 32 percent
Men: over 25 percent


  • Measuring body fat caliper method
  • Why use caliper measurement?
  • Skin caliper types
  • Body fat percentage meter
  • Skinfold meter
  • Skinfold measurement instructions
  • Skinfold product contains
  • Usage of skinfold device
  • Caliper measures skin thickness
  • Method of measurement with a skinfold caliper
  • Calculate the size of all skin folds
  • When to perform calipers measuring?
  • Skinfolds measuring advice
  • Calipers measurements pros and cons
  • Advantages of calipers measurement
  • Weaknesses of calipers measurement
  • Caliper instrument instructions use
  • Accuracy of skin folds
  • Skinfold caliper typical measurement locations
  • Men caliper measuring points
  • Women caliper measuring points
  • The accurate calipers measurement process
  • Jackson-Pollock caliper method
  • Jackson-Pollock formula
  • The Jackson-Pollock formula for men
  • The Jackson-Pollock formula for women
  • Siri equation
  • How to estimate body fat percentage?
  • Body fat percentage norm