Can A 3D Scanner Scan And Print Visceral Fat?


3D body fat and muscle analysis with 3D scanners. Development of training units with 3D scanner help.

3D scanners

The market for 3D scanners is changing. Thanks to modern technologies. The well-known principle of capturing the body in its entirety. Is becoming more and more popular in both professional and private areas. 3D scanners are becoming cheaper, more precise, and more practical.

3D printing

Exact reproductions of the image data using 3D printing. The archiving of art and other areas of application are enjoying growing popularity. Medicine, the construction industry, and the film industry also appreciate plastic images. With a test you keep an eye on the product quality – we have compared the best for you.

3D scanner – what is it and what is it used for?

3D scanner, which can capture images and documents. In the form of two-dimensional graphics. A 3D scanner also creates images of different objects. In principle, it doesn’t matter whether it’s documents, objects, or complex machines. Works of art and people.

As the abbreviation 3D suggests. A 3D scanner can capture the third dimension. I.e. the spatial shape of objects. Not only the exact geometry but also colors and the smallest details may be shown.

3D high-quality archiving scanners

The aim of such a scan can be the high-quality archiving of cultural assets worth preserving. The reproduction of technical workpieces or objects. Is also an important area of application. 3D scanners can be used, for example. In the construction industry for modeling purposes. Or for documentation or to preserve evidence.

3D modern medicine scanners

Modern medicine can use three-dimensional scans to clarify findings. Make precise diagnoses or develop realistic training scenarios. For example for operations. Last but not least, 3D scanners are used for clear and complete documentation. Of crime scenes in the context of the administration of justice.

3D scanners variants

There are countless variants of the 3D scanner. Each of these uses different competing technologies. For the practical implementation of a scanning process. Laser scans, recording using LED technology, and other methods.

Compete for the best relation between costs and the most detailed reproduction possible. The goal of such a collection of geometric data is always the creation of a 3D model in the first step. Which can then be further processed with various software solutions.

3D scanner designers can make their work easier. By supplying the so-called CAD applications. With scanned 3D data as part of computer-aided design. Complex modeling of objects from scratch can thus be avoided if necessary.

3D digital archiving scanners

If scans were made for documentation purposes. Or for digital archiving of cultural assets. Data preservation is of course the priority. Manipulations of the models are out of place here.

If you would like to reproduce an object such as your favorite cup. Post-processing of the 3D models made makes sense. So that you can achieve optimal results. With the subsequent 3D print.

3D precision scanner

Due to the wide range of possible uses and areas of application. There are not only many variants of the 3D scanner. But also large differences in precision, the scope of services, and of course the price.

A well-founded 3D scanner test can help you to find the best product for your requirements. If you’re not sure what capabilities your scanner needs. It makes sense to go through test after test and compare the results.

What types of 3D scanners are there?

There are different types of 3D scanners. Each covers one or more specific areas of application. The various scanner technologies are highly specific and mostly intended for special tasks.

That’s why it’s important to get detailed information before you buy. So that you make the right choice when making your decision. If you decide to buy a product that is designed for specific medical or structural problems. Even though you want to make scans for toy prototypes. Or for the reproduction of simple objects, that would be a shame.

It is therefore not sufficient if you decide on a comparative winner from a product test. That has completely different areas of application in mind in a practical comparison. Or in the study carried out.

3D scanners and 3D printers

In addition, there are now compact devices. That combines 3D scanners and 3D printers in one housing. These are ideal for most personal needs. Such as when you want to reproduce objects. Or print small CAD-modeled shapes and workpieces.

If you come from a professional field. For example from the construction industry or medicine. Your choice always depends on several factors. These factors can be, for example, your area of expertise or your goals.

If you need precision or the ability to scan with a handheld device. These are two requirements that do not necessarily have to match. So the decision for a cheaper device can make more sense. If it optimally meets your individual needs. In general, the various variants of the 3D scanner can be divided into three groups.

Inexpensive scanners up to 5,000 euros

3D Scanner inexpensive devices that are suitable for home use. And that can be used to implement simple modeling projects. And reproduction projects in business areas. These include compact combinations of 3D scanners and 3D printers. As well as 3D scanner kits, small desktop devices, and portable handheld scanners.

Three-dimensional bodies are recorded using laser triangulation. As well as strip light, white light, or TOF. Depending on the technology and scope of services. You can expect prices from a few hundred euros up to 5000 euros.

In this price category. You should only consult a 3D scanner test before buying. First, read a test. And check. Whether a congruence. Or at least a similarity of the test criteria matches your requirement profile. Only if this is the case can the results of such a product test be helpful for your purchase decision. If possible, consult at least one more test.

Ideally, you go through test after test. Until you discover that the respective analysis corresponds. As closely as possible to your individual needs. This is how you effectively avoid unpleasant surprises after the purchase.

The middle price range from 5,000 to 10,000 euros

High-quality devices in the middle price range from 5,000 to around 10,000 euros. The strip light is used particularly frequently when scanning. The handsets also dominate this price range.

Here are professionals from the construction industry, architecture, monument protection, and art. Will find the device of their choice as well as criminologists and designers. Whether evaluation, comparison, or juxtaposition. Here too it makes sense not only to consult a 3D scanner test.

High price ranges of over 10,000 euros

High-end devices with prices of over 10,000 euros. This category includes devices for medical areas. As well as solutions that enable cost-effective digitization of large numbers of objects.

Of course, you will also find robot-supported systems here. That scan autonomously processes the data and archives it. The dominant technology for handheld devices in this price range is strip light. With products between 40,000 and 50,000 euros also using laser triangulation.

3D scanner test

Before purchasing these products. A thorough examination of the 3D scanner test, comparison, or study is obligatory. After all, you want to achieve the best scan result for your area of application.

Of course, this is only possible if the perfect 3D scanner c do justice to your project. This, in turn, can only be achieved with a thorough knowledge of the subject matter. And by reading a reliable practical test.

The 5 leading manufacturers of 3D scanners

Carl Zeiss AG 3D scanners

Carl Zeiss AG sets standards worldwide when it comes to optics. There is no question that exquisite 3D scanners are also part of the repertoire of the group. Which was founded in Jena in 1846. Of course, tests and comparisons like to use the company’s products for comparison.

Artec 3D scanners

The Luxembourg group Artec 3D specializes in the development of hardware and software. In the field of 3D scanners. The company is often involved when a test conducts a comparison or survey.

HB 3D scanners

HP Inc. was founded in 1939 and operated under the name Hewlett-Packard until 2015. This global player is also a welcome guest at a test. After all, the company is known as a computer manufacturer. Also produces high-quality 3D scanners.

Creaform 3D scanners

Creaform has been a subsidiary of the American group Ametek since 2013. The company produces 3D scanners in the form of practical handheld devices.

Matter and Form 3D scanners

The Canadian company Matter and Form Inc. was founded in 2013 and is now a fixture when it comes to 3D scanners. The company’s products are equally popular in experiments, tests, and comparisons.

How are the 3D scanner products tested?

3D scanners under the magnifying glass. A 3D scanner test is always a challenge. After all, there are countless areas of application. And very different requirements for these devices.

A test must therefore focus on a topic. And test the 3D scanner to be analyzed using previously defined criteria. Compared to a pure comparison of performance data. A practical test delivers the best results. After all, objects do not only have to be recorded in terms of their spatial shape.

In addition, evaluation and display using suitable software are required. You can only count on reliable results. If a test result or a test grade is based on sufficient practical experience. With this interaction of hardware and software.

3D scanner application

The 3D scanner – important comparison criteria for trials, inspections, or tests

The suitability test during the test. Which device is best suited for the respective area of application?

Which 3D scanner is really practical to use in the test?

Are there problems with the interaction of hardware? And software during the test?

How big is the scope of delivery and is it sufficient for the intended use? Are the materials available for the test? Such as documentation, software, and instructions. Understandable and useful?

Does the 3D scanner perform as promised in the test?

Deficiencies and weaknesses in the 3D scanner test
In the test, the 3D scanner did not achieve the promised precision.

The 3D scanner can only fulfill its purpose to a limited extent in the test run that was carried out.
The software included the 3D scanner. Does not use the device data optimally or causes problems.
The 3D scanner is difficult to handle in the test.
The software used in the test is only supported by a few operating systems.

The 3D scanner – buy it on the internet or in specialist shops?

On the Internet, you can not only comfortably go through test after test. But also discover the widest selection on the subject of 3D scanners. Buying online is therefore both the most convenient and the most sensible solution.

Interesting facts and advice on the subject of 3D scanners

Facts and figures worth knowing about the 3D scanner

An important area of application for the 3D scanner is reverse engineering. If objects or components are to be manufactured without instructions. If information is available, a scan is invaluable.

Even the reconstruction of art that has been lost or destroyed. Is comparatively easy to implement using 3D scanners. The Fraunhofer Institute for Graphic Data Processing set up the Digitization of Cultural Heritage department. Specifically for this purpose. To archive cultural assets and reproduce them if necessary.

3D body analysis scanners

3D scanners are also designed for use in fitness studios. With a 3D body analysis by the Berlin company Scaneca. The fat and muscle percentage of athletes can be recorded. And a posture analysis can be carried out.

Body changes should be recognized as quickly as possible. And training results should be optimally displayed. With a 3D scanner, fitness professionals. Are also able to develop tailor-made training units for problem areas. The company developed this scanner technology together with Humboldt University. In Berlin and the German Aerospace Center.

Resourceful innovation enthusiasts have discovered 3D scanners as a tool for urban surveying. As early as 2007, the city of Vienna was scanned by a small aircraft.

How to attach and install 3D scanners correctly

If you have decided on a hand-held device, you do not have to carry out any assembly work. However, you can or must edit the image data from your 3D scanner with a suitable program. To do this, simply install the software provided by the manufacturer. If possible, follow all the instructions so that you can use your 3D scanner. For all your projects without any problems.

If you have weighed up the costs and benefits. Based on the positive results of the sample or test. And have subsequently selected a 3D scanner kit. Pay close attention to the instructions for use and installation instructions. After all, only the manufacturer can tell you how to correctly carry out such an assembly. Of course, a little manual skill may be required.

3D scanner installation

However, the installation of the software solutions is comparably easy. For almost all variants of the 3D scanner. Please make sure you choose a suitable installation location. That offers you enough space. So that you can work on all your projects. With as little disruption as possible.

Five tips for care and maintenance of the 3D scanner

If your 3D scanner is a handheld device. You should ensure that you have special cleaning agents available. To care for the optical components. Cleaning with a soft, lint-free cloth is ideal. According to a test, it makes sense to wipe the handpiece of your 3D scanner with a damp cloth from time to time.

If you use a tabletop device, freedom from dust is very important. Always cover your 3D scanner well when not in use.
Always connect your PC to your 3D scanner correctly and make sure that there are no loose contacts.

If you bought your 3D scanner for professional purposes. And you are not familiar with the model. Carry out your test. Before using it for the first time.

As not only a test by experts has shown, the correct use of the supplied software is crucial for optimal results. The more often you work with your 3D scanner and the available software solutions. The better results you can achieve.


  • 3D scanners
  • 3D printing
  • 3D scanner – what is it and what is it used for?
  • 3D high-quality archiving scanners
  • 3D modern medicine scanners
  • 3D scanners variants
  • 3D digital archiving scanners
  • 3D precision scanner
  • What types of 3D scanners are there?
  • 3D scanners and 3D printers
  • Inexpensive scanners up to 5,000 euros
  • The middle price range from 5,000 to 10,000 euros
  • High price ranges of over 10,000 euros
  • 3D scanner test
  • The 5 leading manufacturers of 3D scanners
  • Carl Zeiss AG 3D scanners
  • Artec 3D scanners
  • HB 3D scanners
  • Creaform 3D scanners
  • Matter and Form 3D scanners
  • How are the 3D scanner products tested?
  • 3D scanner applicationThe 3D scanner – buy it on the internet or in specialist shops?
  • Which 3D scanner is really practical to use in the test?
  • Does the 3D scanner perform as promised in the test?
  • The 3D scanner – buy it on the internet or in specialist shops?
  • Facts and figures worth knowing about the 3D scanner
  • 3D body analysis scanners
  • How to attach and install 3D scanners correctly
  • 3D scanner installation
  • Five tips for care and maintenance of the 3D scanner