Find Visceral Fat Amount Using Waist Hips Ratio Now


Relation between visceral fat and waist-hip ratio. Measure and calculate the waist-hip ratio.
Understanding waist-hip ratio.

Relationship from waist and hips ( Eng Abbreviation WHR – Waist Hip Ratio). The ratio of circumference to waist circumference to hips.

This number is very popular in the West. Which has been the subject of many studies on its effects on attractiveness. But also as an indicator of health.


1 How to measure your waist and hips
1.1 Rules for measuring the waist and hips used by the world-renowned organization
1.2 What is the easiest way to correctly measure the waist and hip
2 Waist in a Healthy Person
Waist And Volume 3 Hips As An Indicator Of Fertility
4 Effect of Mother’s Waist and Hip Circumference on Child’s Cognitive Ability
4.1 What Determines Waist Hip Ratio Size
5 Ideal Waist Hip Ratio
6 Effect Pasuboki Attraction (Research Results)
7 The Effect of Food on the Deposition of Fat in the Waist and Hip Ratio Calculator
8 Waist And Hips

How to measure your waist and hips?

There are rules developed by various organizations. For the correct performance of these measurements. Different organizations use slightly different standards to measure.

The waist-Hip ratio of a healthy person

Hip measurement belt. Thin person, waist correctly measured at the narrowest part. While fuller should be measured about 2 cm above the navel. Hips are measured at their widest part. Regardless of shape (about halfway).

Rules Measuring Belt And Hips Used World Famous Organization

According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO. The circumference of the waist should be measured in the middle of the lower edge of the lower ribs. And the intestinal crest of the top (upper pelvic bone). Using this measuring tape (ordinary people “c). You should create a pressure equivalent to 100 grams. Hip circumference should be measured at the widest part of the buttocks. The same tape is parallel to the floor.

Correct Belt Measurement

The National Institutes of Health. And the National Program of Health Examinations. And Nutrition used the results obtained by measuring the top of the intestinal ridge. It is the place where we usually standard pants. Most amateurs measure the belt at the navel. But studies have shown. This method can often reduce its true size.

When measuring two rounds. It should be placed in the same place. Arms out. Body weight is evenly distributed. And there should be no excessive wear. Breathing should be used to calm down. And the measurement was recorded at the end of the exhalation. Each measurement is repeated twice. And if the difference between them is in inches. The average results are taken.

What is the Easiest Correct Waist And Hip Measurement?

It is not a practice to measure the gap in these waist differences. With a slender figure most accurately only in the smallest range. Usually just above the navel. Where the waist is convex. But not concave. As occurs during pregnancy. Or in the presence of excess body weight. Then the smallest circle is often difficult to determine.

In such cases, to determine the degree of obesity. It is stopped a few centimeters above the navel. Hip circumference can only be measured visually. At the widest part of the buttocks.

We must not forget that the described rules are for measurements. To determine the degree of obesity and other health indicators. Do not sew or choose clothes.

From Waist to Hips in a Healthy Person

Waist to hip ratio is used as an indicator and measure of human health. With this factor, you can see the level of risk for the development of serious diseases. Research shows that people with an “apple” body shape (a wider hip waist) face greater health risks. Then the owner of a “pear” shape, in which the waist is wider.

This ratio is also used to determine obesity, which is an indicator of other serious diseases.

Abdominal Obesity

Which says that abdominal (abdominal) obesity occurs when the waist-to-hip ratio is 0.90 for men. And 0.85 for women. Or a body mass index (BMI) is above 30.0. According to the National Diabetes Institute. Gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases (NIDDK). Have women who have more than 0.8 WHR. And men who are more than 1.0 have an increased health risk.

WHR Life Expectancy Indicator

WHR is a more effective indicator of life expectancy in older people. Than waist circumference or BMI (body mass index). But if obesity is measured by this indicator, instead of BMI. The number of people in the world who are at high risk of heart attack reduces three times. We believe that the waist-to-thigh ratio more accurately reflects the percentage of body fat.

Relative to body mass than waist circumference or BMI. Of these three variables. Only WHR takes into account differences in a body structure (muscle mass, bone width, fat). Thus, it is possible for women. That two have completely different -to-Ratio weights. But the same waist-to-hip ratio. Or a similar BMI but a completely different waist-to-hip ratio.

History And Waist Hipp Ratio

Even in ancient civilizations around the world. Ideal women were most often represented with a WHR in the range of 0.6-0.7. Simply put, a woman who had a much wider thigh than her waist was considered more beautiful. Most likely, this is due to the subconscious understanding of men. That she is more likely to have a child with wide hips. But see this in more detail in the article.

According to one study, WHR is the best predictor of cardiovascular disease risk. Than waist circumference and body mass index. But others show that waist circumference. Is a more accurate indicator of cardiovascular risk factors. For fat distribution and hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which of these indicators can tell more about health.

Waist And Hips Fertility Indicator

WHR 0.7 for women and 0.9 for men has been proven to be closely related to general health. Women with a WHR of about 0.7 have optimal estrogen levels. And are less susceptible to serious diseases. Such as diabetes, cardiovascular system, and ovarian cancer.

Women with a waist-to-hip ratio (of 0.80 and above). Have significantly lower chances of conceiving. Than those with a WHR of 0.70-0.79. Regardless of their BMI. Even men with a WHR of about 0,9 have a better chance of conceiving a child. And are less prone to prostate and testicular cancer.

Reproductive Health And Waist Hip Ratio

Studies show the ratio of waist to hip length. Is an accurate indicator of reproductive health. From the body’s production of the necessary hormones for this. Among girls of the same weight, with a lower WHR, there is earlier puberty. This is reflected in the growth of the luteinizing hormone (LH). And follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and sex steroid hormones – estradiol.

The Dutch perspective (with a dedicated group of people) research on artificial insemination. It confirmed the increase in the chance of pregnancy in low tuberculosis in 1993. It was shown that an increase of 0.1 unit of WHR reduces the probability of conception in a cycle by 30%. This is adjusted for age, weight, the cause of artificial insemination, and duration. And regularity of cycles, and smoking.

The Influence of the Mother’s Waist and Hips on the Dimension of the Child’s Cognitive Ability

American scientists even researched the relationship. Between the cognitive abilities (roughly speaking, thinking) of small children. And the value of the ratio of the waist to the circumference of the hips of their mothers (WHR). As a result of the tests. It was found that children whose mothers had wider thighs and smaller WHR. Were more mentally developed.

This is explained by the fact that the fetus received additional long-chain polyunsaturated acids. From the fat on the mother’s hips. In addition, statistics show that the children of girls with low tuberculosis. Who became mothers in adolescence. Were more protected from cognitive disorders. Associated with having a child at a very young age.

What Determines Waist And Hip Size?

Twin studies have shown that in 22-61% of cases. The relationship between waist and hip circumference can be explained by genetic factors. Among other factors, food and lifestyle come first.

Ideal Waist And Hip Ratio

Some researchers have found. The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is an important measure of female attractiveness. Women with a WHR of 0.7 are generally rated as more attractive to men from Indo-European cultures. Tastes can vary. According to some studies, from 0.6 (in China, South America, and some parts of Africa). To 0.8 (in Cameroon and Tanzania Hazda lineage). With different preferences based on ethnicity.

It seems that men pay more attention to the size of a woman’s waist than her hips. On this occasion, the Journal of Biological Psychology stated.

The amount of extra fat is shown by the size of the hips and waist. And it can be used as a source of energy. The waist conveys information such as the current reproductive state and health. In Western countries where there is no shortage of seasonal foods. The waist conveys information about the ability to give birth. And health will be more important than hip size in judging women’s attractiveness.

Undeveloped Countries And Waist Hip Ratio

In less rich and developed countries. Women have more pregnancies, the health burden of the parasite. And less caloric intake. In this regard, women with higher TBC are often more attractive. It also affects the age gap where the maximum age and date of birth are in such countries.

Thus, the WHR value marks the beginning of puberty, sexuality, reproduction, and hormonal disorders. And separates men from women. Varies in different populations.

Waist And Hips Leverage Ratio That Appeal (Research Results)

Concept and the importance of WHR. As an indicator of attractiveness. Was first described in 1993 by an American psychologist named Devendra Singh. He argued that this ratio is a more stable indicator of estrogen. T the ratio of waist length to chest circumference (WCR).

Waist Hips Attraction Ratio

In a series of studies conducted by Singh (1993). Involving WHR men and body fat distribution, women rated their attractiveness. Men were shown a series of 12 drawings. Of women with different WHR and body fat distribution. Women in the pictures with normal fat distribution. And moderate WHR. Associated with the most positive traits (ie, sexual, intelligent, and healthy).

When thinking about drawn women with low WHR (a small difference between the waist and the hips). Except for teenagers, more than no positive men connected them.

Healthy Waist Hip Ratio

During the study, Singh suggested that men and women develop innate mechanisms. That detects and uses the waist-to-hip ratio to judge. How healthy a person is. With a certain waist and hip ratio index. The chances of obtaining healthy offspring. With hereditary genetic protection against various diseases increases.

Other studies have shown that WHR is a marker of attractiveness. Over and above fat and reproductive performance alone. For example, a study was conducted using methods to track the eyes of men. While digitally processing the same woman.

In addition to paying attention to the eyes. The subjects were still asked to rate the image based on attractiveness. Although the men fixed their eyes mainly on the female breasts during the study. They named the most attractive woman with a WHR of 0.7 regardless of size.

Waist Hip Ratio Identifying Gender Differences

Additionally, in 2005, Johnson and Tazinari conducted research. Reactions to the rights of the animated walk were taken into account. It turns out that men use the WHR not only to rate attractiveness.

But also as a means of identifying gender differences. In this case, a person who has a higher waist and hip ratio is considered more courageous. And with less of this indicator. When the thighs are not so noticeably wider than the waist.

The object seems more feminine, and gentle. The authors of this study suggest. That this is an additional explanation. For why men perceive a lower WHR level as more attractive. It was also found. Men who have a lower WHR are less sensitive and independent. Then men with a higher incidence of WHR.

Changing Waist Hip Ratio

To increase attractiveness, some women artificially change the ratio of waist and hip. These methods include the use of a corset. To reduce the size of the waist. And visually increase the apparent size of the hips and buttocks.

During the XX century. In various such experiments. Manufacturers used to make the size of payment corsets. Called hipspring. Which means “hipspring” or “spring hips.” At the same time, the height of the corset. Which pulled the belt. Was calculated so that waist size was subtracted from hip size.

However, this size calculation method was not useful. As it often gave a poor indicator of attractiveness. For example, the size of 10 inches (250 mm height for n a slimming corset) looks very attractive. For adult women with average parameters. But a child or a small woman. With a cast of this size will look like a man.

Brain Waist Hip Ratio Respond

In the case of WHR, the brain assesses the level of attractiveness. Based on reproductive ability (reproducibility) and the presence of fat in the body. This is confirmed by one interesting American study.

The computer simulates a woman’s body. With the actual height and weight (BMI). But the wrong body shape (WHR). And then vice versa. Twelve trial participants (6 men and 6 women) were observed in mass and height. Using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Considering these different female forms.

Through the reaction of the brain regions. It became clear. That the level of attractiveness directly depends on the BMI. But not the waist index (WHR).

The ratio between those responsible for the reactions. In the brains of people who evaluated simulated female figures. Even this study showed. That is the estimation of the ideal value. Can vary among people with eating disorders.

Body Perfection And Waist Hip Ratio

One study was conducted in 1995 on the waist-to-hip ratio. There were 137 Englishmen between the ages of 16 and 67, of which 98 were women. As a result, they received a rather banal result. Which can be said without research.

It turns out that the attractiveness of a woman’s chest is. Depends on the amount of body fat and waist-to-thigh ratio. While most of the previous studies show. That young women appreciate the perfection of the body. Only with the harmony of forms.

And large breasts with only slightly increased. Attributes to female characteristics and health. Also in this study, a figure with a high tubercle (no significant difference in waist and hips). And large breasts were rated as the least attractive and healthy for all participants.

Sexuality Waist Hip Ratio

The waist-to-thigh ratio is an indicator of the severity of the sex floor. For example, women with a high index. And men with a low one. Tend to be rated as less attractive to the opposite sex.

Nutrition And Waist Hip Ratio

The influence of nutrition on fatty deposits around the waist and hips. A series of studies looked at the effect of diet on changes in the waistline. Taking into account body mass index. Here are the main results.

A diet of whole grain barley flakes reduces “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and waist circumference. In adults who are overweight and obese. This diet has the best effect when exploring this low-fiber diet. There was no difference in total weight loss between the groups on these two diets.

More than a 3-fold reduction of excess fat in the waist. In those who switched to a diet. Including a lot of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Decrease the number of bakery products, processed meat, fast food, and carbonated sweet drinks.

Conducted in 2011. Research has shown that a diet high in fruit and dairy products. While low in white bread, meat, margarine, and soft drinks. Can also help prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Waist And Hip Ratio Calculator

The formula for calculating this ratio is very simple. All that is required is to divide the length of the waist circumference by the length of the hip circumference. Therefore, we get the coefficient given in this WHR article. But for practicality, you can use the calculator to calculate it.


  • How to measure your waist and hips?
  • The waist-Hip ratio of a healthy person
  • Rules Measuring Belt And Hips Used World Famous Organization
  • Correct Belt Measurement
  • What is the Easiest Correct Waist And Hip Measurement?
  • From Waist to Hips in a Healthy Person
  • Abdominal Obesity
  • WHR Life Expectancy Indicator
  • History And Waist Hipp Ratio
  • Waist And Hips Fertility Indicator
  • Reproductive Health And Waist Hip Ratio
  • The Influence of the Mother’s Waist and Hips on the Dimension of the Child’s Cognitive Ability
  • What Determines Waist And Hip Size?
  • Ideal Waist And Hip Ratio
  • Undeveloped Countries And Waist Hip Ratio
  • Waist And Hips Leverage Ratio That Appeal
  • Waist Hips Attraction Ratio
  • Healthy Waist Hip Ratio
  • Waist Hip Ratio Identifying Gender Differences
  • Changing Waist Hip Ratio
  • Brain Waist Hip Ratio Respond
  • Body Perfection And Waist Hip Ratio
  • Sexuality Waist Hip Ratio
  • Nutrition And Waist Hip Ratio
  • Waist And Hip Ratio Calculator