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How To Calculate And Measure The Visceral Fat Level?


Measure and eliminate. The most harmful and dangerous. There is too much visceral belly fat in your abdomen. Please do something about your health. Take steps to improve it.

Learn how to measure your visceral fat through many different methods below. Body Mass Index (BMI). Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR). Skinfold Thickness (SFT) Method. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA). Computerized Tomography (CT). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)…

Best Methods How to Measure Body Fat Percentage

It can be frustrating when you get on the weight scale and see no change. Some overweight people are healthy, while others of “normal weight” are unhealthy.

However, body fat percentage tells you what your weight is made up of. Specifically, it tells you the percentage of your total body weight.

The lower the body fat percentage. The higher the percentage of lean muscle mass on your frame.

The best ways to measure your body fat percentage.


  1. Body Mass Index (BMI)
  2. Waist-to-Hip Ratio Method
  3. Skinfold Thickness Method
  4. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
  5. Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
  6. Computerized Tomography (CT)
  7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  8. Hydrostatic weighing
  9. Plethysmography of air exchange (Point Pod)
  10. Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS)
  11. Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM)
  12. 3-D body scanners
  13. Multi-compartment models (gold standard)

Find out which method is best for you.

1. Visceral Fat and Body Mass Index (BMI)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) And Stop Visceral Obesity

The Body Mass Index

The body mass index (BMI) is a measure used to assess body weight. BMI is calculated by using body mass index formula. It is division of body weight (kilograms) by height (meters squared). However, the BMI alone is only of limited significance, as it does not say anything about the person’s body composition. For example, very tall or short people, as well as people with a high percentage of muscle, can have an increased BMI and still not be overweight.

How is BMI calculated?

Body mass index (kg/m²) = body weight in kilograms (kg: height in meters squared ()

For a person with a height of 170 cm and a body weight of 70 kg, the BMI value is calculated as follows: BMI value = 70 kg : (1.7 m x 1.7 m) = 24.2 kg/ m²

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a body mass index applies

  • from 25 kg/m² as overweight and a
  • BMI of 30 kg/m² and higher than obesity.
  • The normal range is between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m²
  • If the value is below 18.5 kg/m², it is referred to as underweight.

Why is the BMI only partially meaningful?

The BMI alone is not very meaningful and says nothing about body composition. For example, a person who is active in sports with a BMI of 26 and a high percentage of muscle cannot be considered overweight. Even if this falls into the category of “overweight” according to the BMI classification. In very tall or short people, the BMI is also only of limited significance. It should be taken into account that the BMI increases with age.

One of the simplest ways to measure your visceral fat is through body mass index (BMI). Through Body Mass Index method, we cannot measure visceral fat directly. Because visceral fat lies deep down in the body. Near our internal organs. And we are getting information through external indirect measurements.

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BMI Computer

Calculate your body mass index online

Sex: Wife  Husband
Weight: medical history
Size: Cm

Underweight, normal weight or overweight?

Does your body weight fit?

The body mass index (BMI) is used to evaluate a person’s body weight in relation to their height. BMI is calculated as follows: weight (in kg) divided by height (in m) squared.

Formula: BMI = Weight/Height²

To determine your BMI, simply use the BMI calculator and find out if you are of normal weight.

BMI table (classification according to DGE – Nutrition Report 1992)

Underweightless than 20less than 19
Normal weight20 – 24,919 – 23,9
Overweight25 – 29,924 – 29,9
Obesity grade I (severe overweight)30 – 34,930 – 34,9
Obesity grade II35 – 39,935 – 39,9
Obesity grade III40 or more40 or more

BMI table (classification according to WHO – 2008)

Underweightless than 18.5
Normal weight18,5 – 24,9
Overweight25 – 29,9
Obesity grade I (severe overweight)30 – 34,9
Obesity grade II35 – 39,9
Obesity grade III40 or more

Overweight and obesity


Overweight and obesity are important characteristics for describing the state of health of a population. Obesity is a risk factor for certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and joint and back problems.

A commonly used measure for classifying overweight and obesity in adults is body mass index (BMI). It is defined as the ratio of body weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters. According to a WHO classification, a distinction is made between underweight (BMI < 18.5), normal weight (18.5 to 24.9), overweight (25.0 to 29.9) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30.0) in adults, depending on BMI. It should be noted that when self-reporting, body weight is often underestimated, while height is overestimated.

The results come from the Austrian Health Interview Survey (ATHIS), which will be conducted every six years from 2019 (previously 2006/07 and 2014).

Body mass index (BMI) 2006, 2014 and 2019 by gender

YearSexPersons in 1 000Underweight (BMI<18.5)Normal weight (BMI 18.5-<25)Overweight (BMI 25-<30)Obesity (BMI 30 and above)
2019Men and women7 417,92,746,634,316,5
2019Men3 623,91,539,241,417,9
2019Women3 793,93,853,827,415,0
2014Men and women7 235,42,850,132,614,4
2014Men3 518,91,343,639,515,7
2014Women3 716,64,456,725,813,1
2006Men and women6 950,12,548,835,912,8
2006Men3 357,31,442,843,412,4
2006Women3 592,93,754,528,913,0

Overweight and obesity in 2019 by gender and age – in percent (table)

SexAgeOverweight (BMI 25-<30)Obesity (BMI 30 and above)
Men and women15 years and more34,516,6
Men and women15 – 29 years21,67,8
Men and women30 – 44 years31,314,8
Men and women45 – 59 years37,920,4
Men and women60 – 74 years42,023,8
Men and women75 years and more44,015,5
Men15 years and more41,418,1
Men15 – 29 years26,98,8
Men30 – 44 years37,917,5
Men45 – 59 years46,723,3
Men60 – 74 years50,423,7
Men75 years and more50,315,2
Women15 years and more27,915,2
Women15 – 29 years16,16,7
Women30 – 44 years24,512,1
Women45 – 59 years29,217,6
Women60 – 74 years34,424,0
Women75 years and more39,615,7

Anatomy of the Abdomen (Visceral Fat)

The abdomen is the area of ​​the body that lies between the chest and the pelvis. Its interior is called the abdominal cavity.

This is limited above by the abdominal diaphragm, which separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity.

The lower border of the abdomen is represented by the edge of the pelvis and the pubic bone.

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Visceral Fat Located Inside of Abdominal Cavity

In front, the abdominal cavity is limited by the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, and behind by the deep back muscles.

The abdominal cavity is filled with many internal organs. This internal organs are the digestive tract, urinary tract, and reproductive organs. And important blood vessels are also present in abdominal cavity.

The inner walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and the internal organs are surrounded by a thin membrane called the peritoneum.

Indirect Measurement of Visceral Fat Using Body Mass Index Method

Body Mass Index (BMI) method is an indirect measurement of visceral fat. This method is using a body proportions to find out unknown size or amount of visceral fat.

An indirect Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement is an approach to measuring visceral fat using alternative measurements. Through this way we are trying to find our desired measurement.

Visceral Fat Direct vs. Indirect Measurement

Visceral Fat Direct Measurement

With the direct measurement of visceral fat are used special measuring instruments that can measure a quantity of visceral fat directly. Measuring machines are used to measure the proportions of the visceral fat directly.

A measurable extent of visceral fat is very precise. By using direct measurement of visceral fat we get the final dimensions.

The Final Visceral Fat Dimension

The final dimension of visceral fat is the ultimate one. This means that we can not get better measurements, than this one. Indirect measurement of visceral fat gives to us the most accurate dimensions of visceral fat.

That is the extent of visceral fat. The size of visceral fat, its length, and width. We can get also additional information on the depth, area, and volume of visceral fat.

Visceral Fat Indirect Measurement

Indirect visceral fat measurement is not the direct quantification of visceral fat measure attributes. Measuring visceral fat indirectly is the process of measuring visceral fat using alternative indirect measurements.

Results that are gained through indirect measurement of visceral fat are not totally correct. Comparable to results gained with direct visceral fat evaluation.

We are using an indirect measurement technique to find visceral fat proportions. This is done when direct measurements of visceral fat are not possible.

An indirect visceral fat measurement is a measurement that can’t be made using a specific direct measuring device. Based on other indirect measurements visceral fat is calculated or derived.

How can we measure visceral fat with Body Mass Index (BMI)?

For this, we need to use the mathematical formula of body mass index (BMI) and have information about our weight and height. The best time to weight yourself is in the morning after you finished using the restroom. Step on your scale and get information about your weight, which is expressed in (kg or lb) units.

To get the most correct weight information use the same scale every time. And weigh yourself without clothes. Naked or use the same clothes that you were using the last time weighting yourself.

We have the weight information now we need to get information about our height. Stand with bare feet on the floor leaning on the wall.

Heels, shoulders, and buttocks should touch the wall. Stand up straight and look straight. So that your chin is parallel to the floor. Take the Height Measuring Ruler and measure the height, which is expressed in (m or inch) units.

Body measurements by age group and gender


Age of …
up to below …
Of these, with a
body mass index from…
altogetherwith indicationson averageunder 18.518.5 to 2525 to 3030 and more
in 1 000%Cmmedical historykg/m²%
18 to 201 53662840,9175,270,823,07,572,314,7(5,5)
20 to 254 4912 08346,4174,872,723,75,066,722,06,3
25 to 304 7052 34049,7174,275,224,73,459,426,410,8
30 to 355 6812 90151,1174,377,525,42,352,930,813,9
35 to 405 2692 60649,5174,378,325,62,050,133,414,5
40 to 455 1482 55149,6174,379,326,01,846,535,316,5
45 to 504 8182 28847,5173,980,726,6(1,4)42,236,619,8
50 to 556 2582 99847,9173,980,626,5(1,2)40,639,518,8
55 to 606 9103 41449,4173,580,626,71,339,339,819,7
60 to 655 8973 06752,0172,179,826,9(1,1)37,240,621,1
65 to 704 9542 78756,3170,878,726,91,437,340,221,2
70 to 754 1332 42158,6169,777,927,0(1,3)34,942,421,4
75 and more8 9325 05656,6167,973,726,12,142,039,616,3
Altogether68 73035 13851,1172,577,726,02,045,335,916,8
Informative value limited, since the numerical value is statistically relatively uncertain due to the number of cases (relative standard error on average between 10% and 15%).


Age of …
up to below …
Body mass indexOf these, with a
body mass index from…
altogetherwith indicationson averageunder 18.518.5 to 2525 to 3030 and more
in 1 000%Cmmedical historykg/m²%
18 to 2073629139,6167,662,622,3(9,9)75,1(10,7)/
20 to 252 15698945,9167,564,122,97,972,014,95,3
25 to 302 2791 10348,4167,366,023,65,767,917,48,9
30 to 352 7391 34449,1167,268,224,44,162,920,912,2
35 to 402 5921 18945,9167,368,324,43,862,522,511,2
40 to 452 5641 19346,5167,569,324,83,559,623,813,0
45 to 502 4261 10045,4167,170,925,4(2,4)55,526,215,8
50 to 553 0951 39945,2167,171,025,4(2,3)53,129,215,4
55 to 603 4451 61446,8166,971,525,7(2,2)50,930,116,8
60 to 652 9981 49549,9165,471,226,1(2,1)47,132,318,6
65 to 702 5851 41854,8164,570,926,3(2,3)44,733,719,4
70 to 752 2041 25857,1163,971,026,5(2,0)41,736,220,2
75 and more5 1682 81354,4162,667,925,73,345,934,616,3
Together34 98717 20549,2165,869,225,23,454,127,714,8
Informative value limited, since the numerical value is statistically relatively uncertain due to the number of cases (relative standard error on average between 10% and 15%).


Age of …
up to below …
Of these, with a
body mass index from…
altogetherwith indicationson averageunder 18.518.5 to 2525 to 3030 and more
in 1 000%Cmmedical historykg/m²%
18 to 2080033742,1181,777,923,6/69,918,1(6,6)
20 to 252 3351 09446,9181,480,524,4(2,4)61,928,47,3
25 to 302 4261 23751,0180,483,325,6/51,834,512,5
30 to 352 9421 55752,9180,485,626,3/44,339,515,4
35 to 402 6771 41752,9180,286,726,7/39,842,617,2
40 to 452 5841 35852,6180,288,127,1/34,945,319,5
45 to 502 3921 18849,7180,289,827,7/29,846,223,5
50 to 553 1631 59950,6179,989,027,5/29,648,421,8
55 to 603 4641 80052,0179,488,827,6/28,948,422,3
60 to 652 8991 57254,2178,487,927,6/27,948,423,5
65 to 702 3691 36957,8177,486,727,5/29,646,923,1
70 to 751 9281 16360,3176,085,327,5/27,749,222,7
75 and more3 7642 24359,6174,681,026,6/37,246,016,2
Together33 74317 93353,1178,985,826,80,737,043,718,7
Informative value limited, since the numerical value is statistically relatively uncertain due to the number of cases (relative standard error on average between 10% and 15%).

3 Ways To Measure Your Height Yourself

If you need to know your height. But there is none around you to help you measure. Don’t worry.

It is possible to measure accurately your height by yourself.

You can use one of the 3 methods described below to measure your height.


Technique 1 of 3: Measurement Tool – A Tape Measure

Collect the items you will need to measure yourself. Make sure that you have the following items.

Tape measure
Ruler or yardstick
A mirror
A pencil
A small box or a thick book

Choose the right place to measure your height. Find the right location where you will measure your height.

Find a Place For Hight Measurement

Select a location that meets these requirements:

Find a flat, open floor area next to a wall.
Find a place where you can stand with your back to a wall.

Stand on hard concrete, tile or hardwood, or floors. Avoid floors that are covered by soft carpets or mat rugs.

Try to find a place by the door or in a corner to help guide the tape measure.

Try to find a spot that faces the mirror to eliminate the need for a handheld mirror.

Procedure To Measure Height

Get ready to measure your height. And ensure the following.

Take off your socks and shoes. Measure your height while barefoot. As flip-flops, slippers and even socks will affect the measurement.

Get anything out of your head. Do not wear a hat, headband, or ponytail. Hair should be straight.

Stand with your back against a wall. Put your both feet together.

Stand up as straight as you can with your heels, back, shoulders, and head, touching the wall. Look with your eyes straight ahead.

Start Measuring Height

Follow these instructions to start measuring yourself. Make sure you can easily reach anything you might need when you measure yourself.

Hold the box in one hand. And the pencil and mirror in the other hand.

Lift the small box above your head and press it against the wall.

Use a mirror to make sure the box is horizontal to the floor. And perpendicular to the wall so it forms a right angle.

Find Your Top Hight Position

Do not tilt the box as this will cause inaccurate measurements.

Use a pencil to mark the position above the top of the head on the wall. Be careful not to move the box or your finger while doing so.

Mark the spot on the wall where the bottom of the box rests. Hold the box in position and pull it out from under it if possible.

Try placing your finger on the bottom of the box and holding it in position as you slide out of position.

You may be able to make the mark without even slipping out of position.

Measure Your Full Body Height

Use a tape measure. Start measuring from the floor up to the pencil mark. The measuring tape should be flat against the wall.

If your tape measure is too short to measure your entire height. Try to measure as high as possible you can.

And then make a pencil mark on the wall. Note the measurements. Please continue measuring.

Do this until you reach the pencil mark, that you made with the box.

Technique 2 of 3: Using a Sliding Ruler

Make your ruler using a dollar bill, string, tape, and marker.

Measure your height with your makeshift ruler if you don’t have a tape measure or a standard ruler.

Consider using this method when you do not have a ruler with you at the moment. This method can find your height right away.

We should be aware, that this will not be a very accurate measurement. But it will be an approximate measurement.

Estimate Body Height Measurement

Be aware that this measurement will not be exact. But an estimated measurement.

With a dollar bill, you help make yourself your ruler. Making a dollar ruler is easy. Because all US bills are 6 inches long.

Place the bill next to the string. Place the bill and string by hand.

Put a mark on the string every time you reach the end of the bill. Use the marker to make a sign on the string. Repeat the process until you reach 6 feet.

Use Money Bill To Measure Your Height

Use another money bill, if you don’t have a dollar account.

Use your improvised ruler as a regular ruler. Please attach the string to the wall. Use the tape to fix the string on a vertical wall.

Be careful not to break the string. Stand straight with your legs and back against the wall.

Mark the top of the head on the wall. Look at the string. Now check the mark on it. And find out your height.

Technique 3 of 3: Using a Stadiometer

Find a stadiometer to help you measure your height. Of course, the best way will be if you can find somebody that owns a stadiometer.

You can find a stadiometer in your doctor’s office or gym.

Look for a digital stadiometer if possible. Using a digital stadiometer will give a more accurate result.

Look for a stadiometer that consists of a ruler and a sliding horizontal headgear that you can adjust to rest on top of your head.

If there is a possibility, ask your doctor to measure your height. By using a doctor’s stadiometer.

Get Ready To Measure Your Height With A Stadiometer

Ensure the following:
Take off your socks and shoes.

Measure your height while barefoot. As flip-flops, slippers and even socks will affect the measurement.

Put away anything that is on your head. Do not wear a hat, headband, or ponytail. Press the stadiometer on your head to make the hair straight.

Stand with your feet on the stadiometer platform. Lean your back against the wall.

Stand up as straight as you can with your heels, back, shoulders, and head touching the wall. Look straight ahead.

How To Use Stadiometer?

Adjust the horizontal arm on the stadiometer. So that it rests on top of your head.

Make sure the vertical arm is working properly. Before attempting to measure yourself.

Note that you may need to fold or turn the horizontal arm up. So that it is perpendicular to the floor.

Find your height on the stadiometer. Once you’ve set it up correctly, step under the horizontal arm and find the measurement.

Note that your height will be displayed on the vertical bar of the stadiometer.

Look for the arrow pointing to the measurement at the bottom of the horizontal arm.

Note that digital stadiometers will display your height on a small screen instead.

Community Q&A

Why do women lose inches of height as they get older?

Older people may experience compression of the spine and may begin to slouch, which can cause height loss.

Sitting up and staying active are good ways to combat it.

Which Unit Of Measurement Should I Use?

We usually measure our height in cm (centimetres) or m (meters). (E.g., 154 cm or 1.54 m.)

Does A Girl Continue To Grow After 17?

It can happen, but most girls don’t. Most girls stop growing a few years after their first period.

How Can I Know My Height In Inches?

Measure your height in centimetres. Then divide the result in centimetres by 2.54.

Do you stop growing after the age of 19?

It is possible but very unlikely. Ask your parents when they stopped growing. You will most likely stop growing at the same age as them.

How do I get the exact height of myself with a measuring stick?

Place the bottom of the bar on the floor, then continue until it reaches the top of your head.

Can One Grow If They Are Not Eating Vegetables?

They can, but they probably won’t grow as tall as they could if they were eating a balanced diet.

If I Am 160 cm Tall, What Is My Height In Feet And Inches?

If you are 160 cm tall, you are 5 feet 3 inches tall.

If I am 5,643 ft or 5 ft 7.7 in, how do I correctly mark my height in US customary units of measurement?

It could be written as 5.64 feet; 5.64 ft.; or 5.64′. You could also write 5 feet, 7.7 inches; 5 ft 7.7 in.; or 5’7.7″.

How Do I Measure The Back Of Two People?

You can place a yardstick between them or simply use a tape measure to get an accurate idea of ​​their height.

Measurement Tips

Measure yourself in the morning. Our spine gets compressed during the day. This is making us shorter.

Measure yourself in the morning to get your full and accurate height.

How to calculate visceral fat level in the body with Body Mass Index (BMI)

Right at this moment, we are trying to evaluate the visceral fat level at home. The Body Mass Index (BMI) formula is the ratio of weight to height on a square.

Weight should be calculated in (kg) or (lb) units and the height should be calculated in (m2) or (in2). If you use weight in (lb) and height in (in2) you should multiply the formula by 703.

Body Mass Index Formula

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Metric = Weight / (Height*Height)

Example: The Body Mass Index (BMI) Metric

(BMI) Metric = 85 kg / (1.82 cm * 1.82 cm) = 25.7

The Body Mass Index (BMI) English = Weight / (HeightHeight)703

Example: The Body Mass Index (BMI) English

(BMI) Metric = (187.393 lbs / (71.6535 in* 71.6535 in)) * 703 = 25.7

What is the difference between being overweight and obese?

Although overweight and obesity are sometimes used interchangeably. The two terms have different meanings.

Both words refer to being overweight for a certain height. But the specifics differ in defining overweight and obesity.

The difference between overweight and obesity is how much a person weighs above the normal, healthy recommended weight for their height.

Unhealthy Body Weight

Basically, the terms overweight and obesity describe a body weight that is above normal or healthy for a given height.

Being overweight is closer to normal than obesity.

A weight scale would start at normal and progress to overweight. And then obesity followed by morbid obesity.

The distinction between overweight and obesity is most important. When it comes to calculating the health effects of being overweight.

Overweight And Obese Body Mass Index (BMI)

Determining whether a person is overweight or obese. It is usually calculated by determining the body mass index (BMI).

Experts believe that BMI is a quick, easy and accurate way to determine the amount of body fat based on a person’s weight and height.

Using kilograms and meters, BMI is determined by dividing weight by height squared (kg/m2).

To determine your BMI in pounds and inches, divide your weight by the square of your height and multiply the result by 703 (lb/in2 x 703).

Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI)

Most health professionals agree that a healthy BMI for adults is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Overweight Body Mass Index (BMI)

A person is considered overweight with a BMI between 25 and 29.9, and obese with a BMI between 30 and 39.9.

Obesity Body Mass Index (BMI)

A BMI above 40 is classified as morbid obesity.
As with any medical diagnosis, weight calculations depend on more than just weight and height.

Body condition and other health factors should also be taken into account, when determining a healthy weight.

As a general reference, however, BMI is useful and can be used to determine certain health risks.

Unhealthy Weight And Health Problems

Maintaining an unhealthy weight can lead to a variety of health problems.

One of the biggest differences between being overweight and obese has to do with health risks.

Although carrying extra weight is not recommended. It is not considered dramatically unhealthy.

Until levels reach the level of obesity or morbid obesity.

Obesity Cause Death

Studies have shown that obesity contributes to many diseases and is one of the leading causes of death.

Being overweight can contribute to minor health problems such as allergies, asthma, joint pain, and sleep apnea. Which is reason enough to maintain a normal, healthy weight.

Obesity And Diseases

Research has shown that obesity increases the risk of many serious diseases.

Including high blood pressure, heart disease, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

Weight loss achieved through healthy eating habits and regular exercise can help reduce risk factors.

And improve longevity in overweight and obese individuals.

Next compare your Body Mass Index (BMI) result to see in which weight category you belong.
There are four BMI Weight Categories.

BMI Weight Categories

Underweight range = <18.5 (BMI)
The underweight person has bodyweight too low to be considered healthy.

Normal weight range = 18.5 – 24.9 (BMI)
A healthy weight, or normal weight, means that your body weight falls within a healthy weight range.
Normal weight is not associated with an increased risk for weight-related diseases and health issues.

Overweight range = 25 – 29.9 (BMI)
A person that is overweight has more body fat. More than is healthy considered normal.

Obesity range = BMI of 30 or greater
The person that is obese has accumulated excessive fat. That presents a risk to his health.

How accurate is Body Mass Index (BMI) related to visceral fat?

We should know that Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation includes any kind of body shape or ethnic group and it is not focused on specific individual body weight, which can bring incorrect results. We intend to specifically find out how to calculate visceral fat levels in the stomach.

Can Body Mass Index (BMI) method accurately show us how do calculate visceral fat levels to improve our health?

For example, if you are a muscular person and you are dealing with a sport let be an athlete, weightlifter, or doing any kind of heavyweight sport. You will automatically accumulate more muscles.

Since the muscle is more dense than fat. Means that very muscular people will have a more healthy weight than the average person. And they may fall into the obese Body Mass Index BMI range even, if they are not.

When our muscle weight grows, the BMI method will have difficulties distinguishing between muscle and visceral fat weight.

Ethnicity And Body Mass Index BMI

Different ethnic groups have different health conditions. For example, if you are coming from a south Asian country, you may have an increased risk to get more health problems (e.g., diabetes).

Than if you are coming from North America or Africa. Even though your Body Mass Index BMI is 22.5. Which is considered normal and healthy.

And if you are pregnant, you should not use BMI, because it does not give you the correct result.

When using Body Mass Index BMI you should be somehow also realistic to see what kind of health condition or state you are in. You can use the BMI method to give you general and orientation results of your weight condition, but not a definite one.

As you know you can be skinny but have still a big belly with underneath visceral fat. So should I use the BMI method regarding knowing how much visceral fat I have?

Body Mass Index BMI General Weight Information

The Body Mass Index BMI method can give you for sure some general information about your weight condition, but it can not give you the exact answer, to the question of whether you have the visceral fat and how much you have.

BMI method cannot give us direct information, through which we could determine how to calculate visceral fat level increase, but can show us this, by knowing in which BMI Weight Categories are we.

Because the BMI method gives you uncertain information related to visceral fat, you should include also other methods that will give you more specific measurement results when dealing directly with visceral fat.

Body Mass Index BMI And Obesity Range

One thing can BMI method guarantees you for sure is that when you are in the BMI Obesity range of 30 or greater, it is almost for sure that you have a surplus of visceral fat.

Why use the BMI method anyway to find out about visceral fat? First of all, it is very easy to measure Body Mass Index BMI, you just need to know your weight and height information.

Secondly, it is an inexpensive way of getting approximate data for visceral fat (overweight and obesity range) through the BMI method. What you need are just a weight scale, ruler and a calculator.

Through many BMI types of research. They found out that high levels of Body Mass Index BMI indicate and associate with a higher risk of chronic diseases, which are linked to visceral fat.

2. Visceral Fat and Waist-to-Hip Ratio Method

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Find Visceral Fat Easy With Waist Hips Ratio

Waist-to-hip Ratio or also called the waist-hip ratio (WHR) method is a simple and useful method. That measures the fat distribution that is stored around your waist and hip.

Through this method, we can get quickly measure fat distribution, which can hint us what is a person’s general health and evaluate body weight.

Contrary to the body mass index (BMI) method, which calculates the ratio of your weight to your height, the Waist-to-Hip Ratio WHR method measures the ratio of your waist circumference to your hip circumference.

How to measure your waist to hip ratio?

Take the tape measure, then stand up straight and breathe out. For the most accurate measure of your hip circumference use the cloth measuring tapes that are soft and flexible and try to avoid metal measuring tapes. First, measure the circumference of your waist.

Measure Your Waist

Wrap a tape measure around your waist and measure the smallest circumference of your waist starting from your belly button or from the point that is between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips.

Measure Your Hips

The number you measured is your minimum waist circumference. Second, measure the circumference of your hips. But this time we need to measure the widest circumference of your hips. Stand up with your feet close together, then take off your pants or shirt where you will measure the maximum hip length.

Find the widest point of your hips, by moving tape measure up or down until you find the widest spot. Probably you will need to reposition the measuring tape a few times on your hips until you find the widest spot. The number you measured is your maximum hip circumference.

Waist-to-Hip Formula

The waist-to-Hip formula measures the ratio of your minimum waist circumference to your maximum hip circumference.

Length should be calculated in metric (cm) or English(inch) units.

Waist-to-Hip Ratio (Metric) = minimum waist circumference (cm) / maximum hip circumference (cm)

Example: Waist-to-Hip Ratio (Metric)

WHR (Metric) = 79 cm / 102 cm = 0.77

Waist-to-Hip Ratio (Metric) = minimum waist circumference (inch) / maximum hip circumference (inch)

Example: Waist-to-Hip Ratio (English)

WHR (English) = 31 inch / 40 inch = 0.77

Next, compare your Waist-to-Hip Ratio result to see in which weight category you belong.

There are four Waist-to-Hip Ratio categories.

For women:

Excellent Health (WHR lower than 0.75)
Good Health (WHR 0.75–0.79)
Average Health (WHR 0.80–0.86)
Health at risk (WHR 0.86 or higher)

For men:

Excellent Health (WHR lower than 0.85)
Good Health (WHR 0.85–0.89)
Average Health (WHR 0.90–0.95)
Health at risk (WHR 0.95 or higher)

Higher Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) More Visceral Fat

If the waist-hip ratio (WHR) is high, means that you have more body fat and visceral fat. So there is an association between WHR and visceral fat. The WHR method is quite useful to find out about your weight. It is a quick and unexpansive method to check your weight state on a regular daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) Method Gives Relative Visceral Fat Results

When we are trying to determine, how much visceral fat we have neither Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) nor Body Mass Index BMI can give us correct and precise results. Both of these methods are using indirect body fat measurement, which means that are giving us general information about our weight situation.

The amount of visceral fat can not be measured with the Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) method. Neither we can get some concrete information on how much visceral fat we have. Measurement errors are higher when applying the WHR method.

Sometimes is difficult to find the smallest circumference of your waist or the widest circumference of your hips, these measurement errors can give us false information about our weight condition.

Body Circumference Measurements

Your body shape varies from person to person. And provides information about your body fat.

Measuring the circumference of specific body parts is a simple method of estimating body fat.

For example, the US military uses body fat measurements. Which simply requires an individual’s age, height, and several measurements.

Men And Women Circumferences

For men are used neck and waist circumferences are in this equation. For women, hip circumference is also included.

Body Circumference Advantages

The advantage of the body circumference measurement method is that is simple and affordable.

What you need is a flexible tape measure. Ad a calculator. Tools can be used at home. And are portable.

Body Circumference Disadvantages

Cons: The body circumference formula may not be accurate for all kinds of people.

We have differences in our body shape and internal fat distribution.

Availability: A flexible tape measure is readily available and very convenient.

Accuracy: Accuracy can vary greatly. Depending on how similar you are to the people. That were used to create the equations.

The error rate can be as high as 2.5–4.5% body fat. But it can be much higher.

3. Visceral Fat and Skinfold Thickness Method

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: How to measure body fat (visceral fat?) with calipers?

Can the Skinfold Thickness method identify visceral fat?

The skinfold thickness (SFT) method measures subcutaneous fat, which is under your skin at various places of your body. With the application of Skinfold thickness (SFT) measurements, we are trying to forecast the total amount of our body fat.

Calliper- Calibre Measurements

Calibre measurements have been used to measure body fat for over 50 years.

Skin callipers measure the thickness of your subcutaneous fat. The fat under the skin in specific areas of your body.

Calliper Specific Body Spot Measurements

At 3 or 7 different places on the body, we need to take measurements. The specific sites used differ between men and women.

Women’s Body Spot Measurements

In women, the triceps, the area above the hip bone, and the thigh or abdomen are used for three-point measurement.

For the 7-spot measurement in women. The chest, the area near the armpits, and the area under the shoulder blades are also measured.

Men’s Body Spot Measurements

For men, the 3 places are the chest, abdomen, and thighs. Or chest, triceps, and the area under the shoulder blade.

Areas near the armpits and under the shoulder blades are also measured in 7 places in men.

Skinfold Callipers Advantages

The advantages of skinfold callipers are that are affordable to buy.

And measurements can be made quickly. They can be used at home, but they are also portable.

Skinfold Callipers Disadvantages

The disadvantages of skinfold callipers are that the method requires practice. And basic knowledge of anatomy.

In addition, some people do not enjoy losing fat. Availability: Rotary jaws are affordable and easy to buy online.

Accuracy: The skill of the skin folder can vary. Which affects accuracy. Measurement errors can range from 3.5 to 5% body fat.

Skinfold Thickness (SFT) Measurment Method

The skinfold thickness (SFT) method is using a skinfold caliper that measures the skinfold thickness at four skinfolds places:

  • Skin front side of the middle-upper arm (Biceps skinfold)
  • Skin backside middle upper arm (Triceps skinfold)
  • Skin back shoulder blade under the lowest point (Subscapular skinfold)
  • Skin above the upper bone of the hip (Suprailiac skinfold)

The skinfold thickness (SFT) method assumes that body fat is equally distributed over all your body.
Skinfold measurements are indirectly related to visceral fat because they are measuring subcutaneous fat.

Skinfold Thickness (SFT) Method Measurment Provide Relative Visceral Fat Results

Even though skinfold measurements are cheap and easy to carry out, they can still not provide the required information on visceral fat.

Skinfold thickness (SFT) measurement researchers are informing us that approximately 50% of total body fat is subcutaneous fat that lies under the skin.

The skinfold thickness (SFT) method cannot give us a piece of accurate information about visceral fat, because obese men tend to have more intra-abdominal fat than women.

Total Fat, Total Subcutaneous Fat And Visceral Fat

The quick way to calculate total body fat is by multiplying two times the amount of total subcutaneous fat. The researchers found out, that 10 percent of all our body fat is made of visceral fat.

Unfortunately, the Skinfold thickness (SFT) method of measuring visceral fat is not as accurate as other methods, especially when measuring overweight and obese individuals.

4. Visceral Fat and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Electrify Your Hidden Visceral Fat

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is measuring body fat concerning Lean body mass (LBM), which is the sum of organs and tissues except for bone. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis also called Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) is evaluating the composition of your body.

Our body composition is directly related to our health. Normal body composition has a normal balance of body fat concerning other organs in our body and that is related to long life and good health. Excess fat causes a change in the balance of body composition in connection to lean body mass.

The result of surplus fat increases considerably the risks of getting potentially serious health problems, like cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, and more.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Device

BIA devices reveal how your body responds to small electrical currents. This is achieved when we place electrodes on our skin.

Some electrodes send current into your body, while others receive a signal as it passes through your body tissue.

BIA Electrical Current

Electrical currents move through muscle more easily than fat because of the higher water content in muscle.

The BIA device automatically calculates your body’s response to electrical currents. By entering it into an equation. That predicts your body composition.

There are many different BIA devices. They vary widely in cost. Complexity and accuracy.

Advantages Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Pros: BIA is quick and easy. And customers can purchase many devices.

Disadvantages Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Cons: Accuracy varies. And can be greatly affected by food. And fluid intake.

Availability: Many units are available to consumers. They are often less accurate than expensive devices used in medical or research settings.

Accuracy: Accuracy varies. With a margin of error ranging from 3.8 to 5% body fat. But can be higher or lower. Depending on the device used.

Purpose of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Method

We use the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) method for measuring the balance or instability of your body composition.

When we identify the imbalance of your body composition through a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, we can earlier intervene to stop the degradation of our health and prevent some serious health complications and diseases.

Since our main goal is to lose visceral fat or body fat, for what good purpose is to use Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) method, that will help us to discover our progress in losing the fat.

Do Weight Loss Programs to Lose Visceral Fat

Through different weight loss programs, we are starting to lose the fat and gain the muscle. Through sports activities or a diet we lose the fat, but muscle mass remains the same.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is helping us to monitor our body composition change, which means how much does it change the ratio between fat weight vs. lean weight without fat.

For this reason, are BIA measurements effective, they can easily recognize the change in the fat amount that you have in your body about the rest of your body flash.

What Method of Measurement does the Bioelectrical impedance Analysis use?

A device for BIA analysis sent a weak electric current through your body. And then a device measures the voltage. That information is later used to calculate the impedance or resistance of the body against electric current.

When the electric current travel through the body, it passes through body fat and fat-free mass. Muscles are storing a great amount of water and on the contrary body fat is resisting to store the water, because oil and water do not mix.

For this reason, the person, with more muscle mass. Has more presence of the amount of water in his body. Which leads to lower impedance on the electric current, that was sent through the body.

Opposite to this overweight or obese people have a greater amount of body and visceral fat, which causes the weakness of electric current when passing through fat body tissues and the electrical impedance becomes higher.

Bioelectrical Impedance, Body Weight and Total Body Water

On the base of the results of electrical impedance, the Bioelectrical impedance analysis estimates how much water human body content is related to fat-free body mass. The difference between body weight and total body water gives us the result, which is body fat.

The results of BIA measurements of body composition are not so accurate, because of different reasons mentioned below.

Bioelectrical Impedance and Dehydration

Dehydration is one of the key factors, that can give us incorrect results in the Bioelectrical impedance analysis devices. The lack of water in the body increases the body’s electrical resistance and can bring about up to a 5 kg difference of miscalculation between fat-free mass instead of body fat.

Also, the consummation of a meal before BIA measurements shows the lower body fat present, which gives us until 4% error if we take BIA analyses on empty stomach.

If we exercise from one to two hours before making BIA measurements, it will lead to more than 10 kg overestimation of fat-free mass.

Electrical Impedance and Body Exercises

Moderate exercise reduces electrical impedance and allows more free flow of electricity through the body, but this causes a significant underestimation of body fat and at the same time we have invalid body composition results.

Could we use Bioelectrical impedance analysis for measuring the visceral fat? Not really, because the
BIA measurements show us the amount of total body fat, which includes also visceral fat.

Even though the BIA device is not so accurate in reading how much body fat you have, when you use a BIA scale regularly on a daily or weekly basis can show you changes that happen in your body fat over time.

Still, BIA analyses can track changes to your body composition especially when you make disciplined exercises or diet.

5. Visceral Fat and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: How To Measure Visceral Fat With Dual-Energy X-ray Densitometry (DEXA)?

What is Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and how can we use it in discovering the amount of fat in our body? Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry also called DEXA or DXA method uses a very small amount of ionizing radiation consisting of electromagnetic waves, which create highly detailed images of the inner body. The images of internal organs and surrounding fat can be seen. And can allow us to distinguish flash from fat.

We can use DXA scans also to measure a total body composition that includes the percentages of fat, water, bones, and muscle in our bodies. Muscular tissue usually uses less space in our body than fat tissue.

DXA Scan and Body Fat Image

When using a low resolution in DXA scans we can see the image of body fat in the form of a shadow, through this generated image can we identify our fat-free mass and fat distributed through all our bodies.

DXA scans are useful and practical tools to diagnose the distribution of fat because they can measure the whole body composition very accurately and with high precision. The scanning time is relatively short and the exposure to X-rays is very insignificant. The Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) method can be useful in finding the presence of fat. By finding the fat location, we can see where is an accumulation of the biggest amount of fat. How to estimate visceral fat level in ourselves is through DXA scan images.

Dual-Energy Absorptiometry (DXA)

As the name suggests. DXA uses X-rays of two different energies. To estimate body fat percentage.

During a DXA scan, you lie on your back for about 10 minutes. While the X-ray examines you.

Dual-Energy Absorptiometry (DXA) Radiation

The amount of radiation in a DXA scan is very small. That’s about the same amount you received in three hours of your normal life.

DXA is also used to assess bone density. And provides detailed information about bone, muscle mass, and fat in individual body parts (arms, legs, and trunk).

Advantages Of Dual-Energy Absorptiometry (DXA)

Advantages: This method provides accurate and detailed information. Including a breakdown of different body regions. And bone density readings.

Disadvantages Of Dual-Energy Absorptiometry (DXA)

Cons: DXAs are often unavailable to the general public. Are expensive when available. And emit very little radiation.

Availability: DXA is generally most available in medical or research settings.

Accuracy: DXA gives more consistent results than some other methods. The error rate ranges from 2.5 to 3.5% body fat.

Scanned Images of Body Fat

Images of the scanned body areas can reveal to use, which part of the body is the most affected by fat. The main problem with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) method is that cannot correctly differentiate between different types of fat. Subcutaneous fat is lying under the skin spread through our body under surface and another fat is hiding within our body around our internal organs and spreading down until the belly area called visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are using the same substance from which fat is made. Therefore is for DXA scans very difficult to perceive and recognize which fat is subcutaneous or visceral. Here raise the question, of how to measure visceral fat level in the stomach or around internal organs with the DEXA method and know how much dangerous visceral fat do we have?

We cannot directly measure visceral fat levels with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) method. But we can ques, by examining DEXA scan images. They reveal exactly how much body fat do we have and where is this fat gathered. Based on this evidence, we can figure out if we have or not visceral fat.

6. Visceral Fat and Computerized Tomography (CT)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Complete Examination of Bad Visceral Fat With Computed Tomography

What is Computerized Tomography (CT), computed tomography, computed axial tomography (CAT scan), or computerized x-ray imaging? And how do measure the visceral fat level in our stomach?

The purpose of Computerized Tomography (CT) device is to scan the body of the patient and get accurate images of the examined body part. Medical imaging is using two-dimensional pictures to diagnose and later treat the possible sicknesses and diseases within the human body.

Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan Measurements of Visceral Fat

To understand how to measure visceral fat level, with a CT scan, we need to first understand how Computerized Tomography (CT) scan work so we can get a clearer comprehension of why are CT scans so well when trying to get accurate results regarding measuring the amount of visceral fat in our body. Computerized Tomography scanners are using so-called X-ray tubes, with a vacuum.

The X-ray tube is converting electricity into X-rays under very low pressure, which allows free movement of any created particle. X-rays coming from the rotating X-ray tube are directed toward a patient that lies down on a Computerized Tomography table, that is moving through a CT scanner tunnel. CT scanner examines the patient with multiplex-rays from numerous angles.

Body Tomographic Images

After the process of scanning, the CT scanner detects and collects digital x-ray in the form of cross-sectional images or digital photo slices of a patient body. Body image slices or tomographic images received from the CT scanner are transmitted to the CT computer. CT computer collects, organizes, and assembled information to generate 3D images of scanned body parts.

The computerized tomography (CT) method is one of the ideal ways, which can grant us an answer on how to measure visceral fat level increase. Tomographic images can be in 2-Dimensional using the horizontal and vertical (X and Y) dimensions showing us how large is the surface area of visceral fat or in 3-Dimensional adding the depth (Z) dimension, that displays the shape and thickness of the visceral fat.

Accuracy of Computerized Tomography (CT) Method

The computerized tomography (CT) method is considered one of the best accurate techniques for the diagnosis of visceral fat. CT procedure has many advantages and one of these is, that it can very easily and exactly locate a visceral fat and provide all necessary information about its proportion and size.

The downside of diagnosing with CT scans is exposure to x-rays that are producing radiation, which can hurt the human body. Ionizing radiation coming from x-rays is relatively small and weak, therefore possesses no great risk of developing cancer.

7. Visceral fat and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Visceral Fat And Magnetic Resonance Imaging

What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and how do measure visceral fat levels in a human body? Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method that is using a medical imaging technique to diagnose and treat potentially dangerous diseases and medical interventions. Internal structures of the body (internal organs, bones, fat) hidden beneath the skin are exposed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for medical examination.

MRI Magnetic Field Scanner

MRI scanners are using very powerful magnets with a strong magnetic field moving electric charges and currents. The electromagnetic spectrum of magnetic fields are generating images of scanned internal organs and different fats including visceral fat.

Different types of body tissues react differently to applied magnetic fields. Various types of tissues have their specific magnetic properties, through which we can differentiate their biological structure and identify their nature (e.g. bone, internal organs, fats …).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) vs Computerized Tomography (CT) Comparison

MRI scanners are especially convenient for scanning the soft tissue types in the body, like for example visceral fat. Magnetic Resonance Images provided from MRI scanners are much clearer and have better contrast to the photo when compared to Computerized Tomography (CT).

However, the MRI method is less comfortable when measuring a visceral fat level. Because the scanning process is longer and the device is louder compared to the CT method. At the same time, MRI is more expensive than the CT method.

No matter what, both MRI and CT techniques are very good in providing detailed images of visceral fat and both are relatively low risk when using their scans.

8. Visceral fat and Hydrostatic Weighing

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Measuring Dangerous Visceral Fat With Hydrostatic Weighing

Underwater weighing or hydrodensitometry. The hydrostatic weighing method guesses your body composition. Based on its body density.

This technique measures you while you are submerged underwater. After exhaling as much air as possible from your lungs.

You also weigh yourself when you are dry. And estimate or measure the amount of air. That remains in the lungs after exhalation.

All of this information is entered into equations. To determine your body density. Your BMI predicts your body fat percentage.

Advantages Of Hydrostatic Weighing

Pros: Accurate and relatively fast.

Hydrostatic Weighing Disadvantages

Disadvantages: Some people find it difficult or impossible to fully submerge underwater.

The method requires inhaling. As much air as possible. Holding your breath underwater.

Availability: Hydrostatic weighing is mostly available at medical facilities, universities, or certain gyms.

Accuracy: When testing is done flawlessly, this device can have a margin of error of at least 2% body fat.

9. Visceral fat and Plethysmography Of Air Exchange (Point Pod)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Can We Measure Visceral Fat With Air Displacement Plethysmography?

Similar to hydrostatic weighing. Airflow plethysmography (ADP) evaluates your body fat percentage. Based on your body density.

However, ADP uses air instead of water. The relationship between volume and air pressure. It allows this device to predict your body density.

Sit in the egg-shaped chamber for a few minutes while the air pressure in the chamber changes.

For accurate measurements, you should wear tight clothing or swimwear during testing.

Plethysmography Of Air Exchange Advantages

Advantages: The method is accurate. And relatively fast. Does not require immersion in water.

Disadvantages Of Plethysmography Of Air Exchange

Cons: Airflow plethysmography (ADP) has limited availability. It can be expensive.

Availability: ADP is mostly available at universities, and medical facilities. Or certain gyms.

Accuracy: Accuracy is very good, with a margin of error of 2–4% body fat.

10. Visceral fat and Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Can We Measure Visceral Fat With Bioimpedance Spectroscopy?

BIS is similar to BIA. Both methods are measuring the body’s response to small electrical currents.

BIS and BIA devices look similar. But use different technology.

BIS uses a much larger number of electrical currents than BIA. With high and low frequencies. To mathematically predict the amount of your body fluid.

Bioimpedance Spectroscopy vs Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

BIS also analyzes information differently. Researchers believe that is Bioimpedance spectroscopy more accurate than Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis.

Similar to BIA also BIS uses body fluid information. Bioimpedance spectroscopy collects information to predict body composition based on equations.

The accuracy of both methods depends. These equations were developed on different people. It depends on how similar are you to these people.

Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) Advantages

Advantages: Bioimpedance spectroscopy is quick and easy.

Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) Disdvantages

Disadvantages: Unlike Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) devices that have consumption are not currently available.

Availability: Bioimpedance spectroscopy is usually only available at universities, medical facilities, or certain gyms.

Accuracy: BIS is more accurate than consumer-rated BIA devices. But has a similar error rate to more advanced BIA models (3–5% fat).

11. Visceral fat and Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM)

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Measure Visceral Fat With Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)?

A third method is electrical impedance myography. It measures your body’s response to small electrical currents.

While Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Bioimpedance spectroscopy send currents through your entire body.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis VS Electrical Impedance Myography

Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM) sends currents through smaller parts of your body.

This technology has been recently used in inexpensive devices available to consumers.

These devices are then placed on different parts of your body. This way they estimate body fat in those specific areas.

This device is placed directly on specific parts of the body. It has some similarities with leather jaws. Although the technologies are very different.

Advantages Of Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM)

Pros: EIM is relatively quick and easy.

Disadvantages Of Electrical Impedance Myography (EIM)

Cons: Very little information is available on the accuracy of these devices.

Availability: Devices are inexpensive and available to the general public.

Accuracy: Limited information is available, although one study reported a 2.5–3% error compared to DXA.

12. Visceral Fat And 3-D body Scanners

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE: Can A 3D Scanner Scan And Print Visceral Fat?

3D body scanners use infrared sensors to get a closer look at your body shape.

The sensors create a three-dimensional model of your body.

On some devices, you stand on a rotating platform for a few minutes. While sensors detect the shape of your body.

Other devices use sensors. These sensors rotate around your body.

Our body fat percentage is then estimated based on the scanner’s equations. Based on your body shape.

In this way, three-dimensional scanners are similar to volume measurements. But more information is provided by a 3-D scanner.

Advantages Of 3-D body scanners

Pros: 3-D body scanners is scanning our bodies relatively quickly and easily.

Disadvantages Of 3-D body scanners

Cons: 3-D body scanners are not commonly available. But are becoming more popular.

Availability: Several consumer devices are available. But they are not as affordable as simple volume measurement methods such as calipers.

Accuracy: Limited information is available. But some 3-D scanners will be fairly accurate. With errors of about 4% body fat.

13. Visceral fat and Multi-Compartment Models (Gold Standard)

Multicompartment models are considered the most accurate method for estimating body composition.

The body is divided into three or more parts based on these models. The most common ratings are called 3- and 4-compartment models.

Multi-Compartment Models Tests

These models require multiple tests. To obtain estimates of body weight, body volume, water in water, and bone.

This information comes from some of the methods already discussed in this article.

Hydrostatic weighing or ADP can provide information for body volume. Bioimpedance spectroscopy and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis can provide body water.

And Dual-energy absorptiometry (DXA) can measure bone content.

Data from each of these methods are combined. To create a more complete picture of the body. And yield the most accurate body fat percentages.

Advantages Of Multi-Compartment Models

Pros: This is the most accurate method available.

Multi-Compartment Models Disadvantages

Disadvantages: Often not accessible to the general public and requires multiple reviews.

Multi-compartment models are more complicated than most other methods.

Availability: Multi-section modeling is typically only available at select medical and research facilities.

Accuracy: This is the best accurate method. Error rates can be below 1% body fat.

These models are the real “gold standard”. Other methods should be compared to gold standard methods.

Which Method Is Best For You?

Which is the best method of estimating body fat percentage for you? Deciding is not easy.

Questions To Help You Decide

What is the purpose of body fat percentage assessment?
How important is high accuracy?
Do you want to test your body fat percentage often?
Want a method you can do at home?
How important is the price?

Home Measurement Devices

Some methods, such as skinfold measurement, volume calculation, and portable BIA devices, are not cheap.

But they allow you to measure yourself in your own home. As many times as you like. These devices can also be easily purchased online.

Although these methods may not be the most accurate, they may be the best choice for you.

High Accurate Methods

Methods with the highest accuracy are not available in your home. Additionally, they can be very expensive. When available at an exam center.

If you want a more accurate estimate and are willing to pay for it. You can follow a method with good accuracy. Such as hydrostatic weighing, ADP, or DXA.

Regardless of which method you use, it’s important to use the same method all the time.

Morning Measurements

With almost all methods, it is best to take measurements in the morning after a quick nap.

After going to the toilet and before eating anything or starting daily activities.

Ideally, testing should be done before drinking. Especially for methods that rely on electrical signals such as BIA, BIS, and EIM.

Evaluate yourself, in the same way, every time. Then you will reduce the error rate.

Interpretation of any method should be cautious. Because the results variate.

Even the best methods are not perfect. They only give you an estimate of your actual body fat.


  • Visceral Fat and Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Anatomy of the Abdomen (Visceral Fat)
  • Visceral Fat Located Inside of Abdominal Cavity
  • Indirect Measurement of Visceral Fat Using Body Mass Index Method
  • Visceral Fat Direct vs. Indirect Measurement
  • Visceral Fat Direct Measurement
  • The Final Visceral Fat Dimension
  • Visceral Fat Indirect Measurement
  • How can we measure visceral fat with Body Mass Index (BMI)?


  • 3 Ways To Measure Your Height Yourself
  • Technique 1 of 3: Measurement Tool – A Tape Measure
  • Find a Place For Hight Measurement
  • Procedure To Measure Height
  • Start Measuring Height
  • Find Your Top Hight Position
  • Measure Your Full Body Height
  • Technique 2 of 3: Using a Sliding Ruler
  • Estimate Body Height Measurement
  • Use Money Bill To Measure Your Height
  • Technique 3 of 3: Using a Stadiometer
  • Get Ready To Measure Your Height With A Stadiometer
  • How To Use Stadiometer?


  • Community Q&A
  • Which Unit Of Measurement Should I Use?
  • Does A Girl Continue To Grow After 17?
  • How Can I Know My Height In Inches?
  • Do you stop growing after the age of 19?
  • Can One Grow If They Are Not Eating Vegetables?
  • If I Am 160 cm Tall, What Is My Height In Feet And Inches?
  • How Do I Measure The Back Of Two People?
  • Measurement Tips


  • How to calculate visceral fat level in the body with Body Mass Index (BMI)?
  • Body Mass Index Formula
  • What is the difference between being overweight and obese?
  • Unhealthy Body Weight
  • Overweight And Obese Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Overweight Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Obesity Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Unhealthy Weight And Health Problems
  • Obesity Cause Death
  • Obesity And Diseases
  • BMI Weight Categories
  • How accurate is Body Mass Index (BMI) related to visceral fat?
  • Ethnicity And Body Mass Index BMI
  • Body Mass Index BMI General Weight Information
  • Body Mass Index BMI And Obesity Range


  • Visceral fat and Waist-to-Hip Ratio method
  • How to measure your waist to hip ratio?
  • Measure Your Waist
  • Measure Your Hips
  • Waist-to-Hip Formula
  • Higher Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) More Visceral Fat
  • Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) Method Gives Relative Visceral Fat Results
  • Visceral fat and Skinfold Thickness method
  • Can the Skinfold Thickness method identify visceral fat?
  • Skinfold Thickness (SFT) Measurment Method
  • Skinfold Thickness (SFT) Method Measurment Provide Relative Visceral Fat Results
  • Total Fat, Total Subcutaneous Fat And Visceral Fat
  • Visceral fat and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
  • Purpose of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Method
  • Do Weight Loss Programs to Lose Visceral Fat
  • What Method of Measurement does the Bioelectrical impedance Analysis use?
  • Bioelectrical Impedance, Body Weight and Total Body Water
  • Bioelectrical Impedance and Dehydration
  • Electrical Impedance and Body Exercises
  • Visceral fat and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
  • DXA Scan and Body Fat Image
  • Scanned Images of Body Fat
  • Visceral fat and Computerized Tomography (CT)
  • Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan Measurements of Visceral Fat
  • Body Tomographic Images
  • Accuracy of Computerized Tomography (CT) Method
  • Visceral fat and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • MRI Magnetic Field Scanner
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) vs Computerized Tomography (CT) Comparison