Measuring Visceral Fat: Hydrostatic Weighing


Measure your visceral fat with hydrostatic weighing. Hydrostatic weighing for overweight people. Hydrostatic weighing process and method.

Measure the dangers of visceral fat with Hydrostatic Weighing

Estimating weight on a standard scale does not always accurately measure body health. Because high body fat can be a significant health hazard. Hydrostatic weighing can be used to measure body density rather than pounds.

This method, also known as underwater weighing, involves weighing underwater. It’s not a particularly complex form of weighing. But it does require being completely submerged in water for a few seconds. If you have a significant fear of being completely under water. You should probably avoid this test.

Hydrostatic weighing is considered to be extremely accurate. But also an extremely expensive method of measuring body fat percentage.

True to Archimedes’ principle. The ratio of displaced water to body mass provides information. About the body composition of the test subject.

Imagine you have a brick that weighs 5 kilograms on land. And 4 kilograms when measured on an underwater scale. This difference in weight means that the brick displaces 1 kilogram of water. Which is about 1 liter of water.

Hydrostatic weighing method

Hydrostatic weighing: how it works

The hydrostatic weighing is carried out in a special water basin. With the help of various measuring devices. Such a pool is usually only found in certain scientific institutions. E.g. in some university hospitals.

The measurement is carried out in swimming trunks. Or bathing suits. In order to deviate as little as possible . From the actual body weight and body volume of the test person.

Body volume measurement

Before the person is weighed underwater, they are usually weighed on land. Errors in these measurements can lead to inaccurate test results.

In a first measurement on land, the lung volume of the test person is determined. This value is subtracted from the later measurement in the water. The person then climbs into the water tank.

Those who undergo hydrostatic weighing generally sit in a chair attached to a scale. In warm water slightly below the chin. The person is then asked to exhale as much air as possible.

And completely submerge their head in the water for a few seconds. The process, from start to finish, takes about 20-30 minutes. And includes pre-weighing instructions. And the equipment of the person to be weighed.

After deducting the residual air in the lungs. The weight of the subject under water is calculated. This goes into a calculation. That also takes into account weight carried on land. And other factors to determine body density. This number can then be used to determine the person’s body fat percentage.

With the help of the measuring apparatus. The displaced water is measured to the milliliter. In the last step, the subject’s weight in the water is determined and related to the body volume.

Smaller fat density

This method works so precisely because fat is less dense than muscle and bone. This explains why slim and athletic people can dive deeper into the water. Than test subjects with a high body fat percentage.

Those who try hydrostatic weighing are often pleasantly. Or negatively surprised by the results. Trained athletes often have a higher than average standard weight. Than non-athletes. But they often have fairly low body fat percentages. Muscle weighs more than fat.

Conversely, thin people sometimes have a higher than normal fat percentage. These people are generally surprised. When body density does not fall within a normal range. This information can be helpful in planning a healthy diet and exercise program. That reduces body fat and increases lean muscle mass.

Hydrostatic weighing cost

The combination of all determined values allows an exact statement about the body composition. The procedure takes between 15 and 30 minutes. And costs around 150 euros. The greatest difficulty, however, is getting such an appointment. See “Advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic weighing”.

Advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic weighing

According to numerous studies. Hydrostatic weighing has an inaccuracy rate of 1 to 1.5 percent. This makes it one of the most precise ways. If not the most precise way – of determining body composition. And, consequently, measuring a person’s body fat percentage.

Golden standard hydrostatic weighing

It is no coincidence that hydrostatic weighing is praised by many medical professionals. As the “golden standard”.

However, it is anything but easy to have such a measurement carried out. After all, you need a well-equipped laboratory. Furthermore, hydrostatic weighing can only be carried out by suitably trained specialists. If you find a facility at all that is ready for measurement, you should be prepared for a certain waiting time.

Some gyms and diet organizations offer hydrostatic weighing. There are also clinics specifically for hydrostatic weighing and nutritional counseling. Not many doctors offer this technology. Although they may refer a patient to a specialist. Or clinic that offers the test.

Treatment centers for anorexia and other eating disorders often have hydrostatic weighing equipment. Because they can help focus patients on weight not derived from a scale. And can be less worrying for patients who need to be weighed.

Hydrostatic weighing high costs

Hydrostatic weighing is currently considered the best method for measuring body density. And therefore body fat. However, it is expensive and rarely covered by health insurance. If you cannot afford this type of weighing. You can ask doctors about the non-invasive and quick skin fold test. Most doctors can do this at the patient’s request.

For the price of a single hydrostatic measurement. You can already buy a good-class body fat scale for carrying out a bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). With the difference that you can use these scales. And they can be used as often as you like. And without additional costs.


  • Measure the dangers of visceral fat with Hydrostatic Weighing
  • Hydrostatic weighing method
  • Body volume measurement
  • Smaller fat density
  • Hydrostatic weighing cost
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic weighing
  • Golden standard hydrostatic weighing
  • Hydrostatic weighing high costs