Everything you wanted to know about the basics of visceral fat genetics and the influence of visceral fat genes. Learn regarding visceral fat distribution and fat modification. Be informed on the regulation of fat and the association of visceral fat with obesity, cortisol, leptin, and stress.


Visceral genetic fat has a huge impact on how you will look. Will you be beautiful and healthy or the opposite of it. Fatty balloon or somebody that I do not like and that is fatty me.

We inherit bad and good. The same typically goes for essential fat that we naturally got from our parents through inherited genes. Do we look like our parents physically? Naturally yes. Visceral fat can be passed down.

But can we determine the destiny of being not fat?

Let us study visceral fat genes, their genetic fat variations, and the heredity of fat in our bodies.


One of many factors that are determining, if you will have visceral fat handed down in surplus in the form of unhealthy visceral fat is your genetics or your visceral fat genes.

You were born, inherited, and got your body, with that you have a certain body type and a genealogical number of fat visceral cells.


How and where is your visceral fat stored or distributed, was found through researches which informs us that fat is heritable. How much fat do we typically inherit or what in common is my visceral fat genetics history, this is what genuinely interests us?

Groundbreaking researches announced to us that estimated fat heritability for visceral fat is around 55% and approximately 45% for subcutaneous fat.

Any kind of researchers that was made related to visceral fat genetics and heredity one thing is for sure that results of this research gave us a clear result that we inherited more visceral than subcutaneous fat.


Other studies on fat research are suggesting that we are inborn with approximately over 65% of heritability fat that gives a very strong influence on fat genes that contribute to fat distribution in our body.

Our bodies read the instructions stored in our inherited genetic fat material and then act upon what is written in our genes which provide information about the effect of fat variations on our health and diseases.

Now it is for sure that fat genetic variations are impacting visceral fat transmission and body fat distribution, which were discovered through recent scientific researches.


When we become overweight, we become associated with both subcutaneous and visceral fat. The more weight we gain, the more visceral fat is guaranteed.

 As mentioned previously fat distribution is associated with many genes and their variants. Every new research on visceral fat genetics related to fat distribution finds new genetic variations that are associate with the volume of visceral fat, the ratio of visceral fat, and so on.

 What interests us and what we need to learn about body fat and visceral fat genetic is to find about how is your fat distributed in your body and the potential danger of your visceral fat excessiveness and their impacts on your health.

No question about the higher obesity the more weight you have the greater is your risk of having a surplus of visceral fat.


The best way to examine levels of abdominal visceral fat in human beings is through computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

A computerized tomography scan makes a sequence of X-ray visceral fat images taken from different angles around your body and then use a computer to perform processing when it receives information to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the fat (visceral fat), bones.

deep skin tissues, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves inside your body.

The images from a computerized tomography scan provide more comprehensive and detailed information than simple X-rays do.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical imaging technique and process used in radiology to create pictures of visceral fat and various parts of the human body and the physiological processes and mechanisms of the body. Magnetic resonance imaging scanners produce three-dimensional detailed anatomical images of visceral fat and use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate images of the organs (visceral fat) in the body.


Visceral Adipose tissue located within the abdominal cavity has been suggested to be functionally and metabolically distinct from that of the subcutaneous fat.

These differences are playing a role in obesity-related complications.

Dangerous fat is stored in visceral depots where large fat quantities are stored and this accumulated visceral fat makes obese individuals more vulnerable to possible complications than subcutaneous fat. There is sufficient evidence which states that distribution of the body fat is carefully controlled by genetic factors.


60% of all body fat is distributed through heritability, which means that you have visceral fat in the family or the ancestral blood.

Many genetic variants have been associated with numerous forms of modifying body fat distribution that is resulting in lipodystrophies.

Lipodystrophies are a group of disorders that appear in genes that cause irregularities of body fat loss, insulin resistance complication, diabetes, fatty liver, and metabolic complications. The human body is incapable to produce and maintain healthy fat tissue because of lipodystrophies presence in ourselves.


In addition to genetic factors, the main prognosticator of visceral fat and fat distribution are age group, gender, total body fat, and energy balance-related to calorie consummation.

Aging increases visceral fat mass independently from total body fat mass, but this is more present in men than in women.

Gender carries out a specific role, and this has also been reflected by transforming obesity into an apple (‘man’) and pear (‘woman’) types.


In addition to visceral fat genetics explained also environmental factors contribute to differences in fat distribution.

Food toxins, contamination, and impurity of food are also causing fat accumulation in the liver and visceral fat depots.

In addition, sugar-sweetened beverages are advancing the accumulation of visceral fat adiposity in humans.


Researches found good pieces of evidence for obesity and fat distribution and that is, that both are controlled by genetic factors.

Approximately, you inherit 55% of abdominal visceral fat from your parents or your ancestral blood lineage; 45% of inheritance is related to subcutaneous fat.

This significant data about fat hereditary are demonstrating us how strong remain the genetic influence is on abdominal fat and total body fat mass.


The researchers inform us that genetic factors have a more massive impact and influence on abdominal visceral fat than on abdominal subcutaneous adipose fat tissue.

Total fat is inherited and pass to you from 83% to 86%, and your heredity from 71% to 85% of regional fat (trunk, lower body, trunk/lower body) which is distributed to internal body organs in various areas of your body.


Some people are more genetically vulnerable to inherit more abdominal fat in the form of visceral fat rather than in the subcutaneous under skin fat.

Let us hope that you have fat and susceptible genes to inheriting more subcutaneous than visceral fat, since visceral fat is more dangerous when it is stored in over maximal quantity next to one of the most important vital body organs.

The fat genes inclined to the inheritance of more visceral fat, bring also higher genetic risk to demonstrate dangerous metabolic complications associated with visceral obesity.


Another evidence of fat inheritance or visceral fat transmission that indicates the role of genetics in fat distribution is lipodystrophies.

Presently lipodystrophies are very tricky genes disorders in adipose fat tissue. The problem would arise if you inherited lipodystrophies.

The following question is until which level are your lipodystrophies defective, malfunction, and out of order.

Lipodystrophies will start to play a role when you have started gaining or losing weight. Because lipodystrophies are in a defective state, they have a problem with the way how they use, distribute, and store your body fat.

Syndrome of Lipodystrophy shows abnormality of the sudden dramatic loss of body fat tissue or drastic accumulation of fat in the whole body or just specific areas of it.

So it is possible that when you gain weight, that your body fat will be equally undistributed to the whole body, but you will see that some parts of your body will start to accumulate more fat than the others.

Examples of lipodystrophies distortions or genetics disorders in fat tissue are found in certain ethnic groups in southern Africa, whose women accumulated excessive fat in their buttocks.

Lipodystrophies are assigned to your genetic mutations.


Another important piece of information that we should have is about our fat regulating genes. We are differentiating the genes that contribute to the accumulation of visceral and subcutaneous fat tissue.

Are my fat regulating genes creating more visceral or subcutaneous fat? The reason to know about it is that if you are accumulating more visceral fat means that you will have more metabolic complications and different internal organ sicknesses, than if you will have more presence of subcutaneous fat.

So, what is the expression of your fat genes? Visceral fat genetics DNA or subcutaneous? Do you have more visceral fat storage or subcutaneous fat under your skin?

Visceral fat deposition is strongly determined by visceral genetic factors.

Fat depot accumulation is strongly supported by genetic background.

Depends on which fat genes do you have more the ones that produce more visceral adipose fat tissue or subcutaneous fat.

Let us be clear about this a person with a genetic predisposition of storing more visceral fat will have a higher risk of developing various metabolic complications and sicknesses.


Our task and challenge are to understand the fat distribution in our body that based on distribution fat results. We can understand what fat distribution genes do we have, so we can start controlling our fat distribution, and also we can start to understand how genetically fat dysfunctional distribution we have.

Dysfunctional genetically visceral adipose fat tissue is more susceptible to storing variable amounts of fat in the liver, heart, muscles, or around large vessels depending on genes variation.

We should not be scared of it. It helps us understand our health condition and how we can improve our health through different treatment strategies.


Dysfunctional adipose fat tissue leads to the accumulation and deposition of visceral fat adipose tissue. As a result, obesity is becoming a major health problem in developing and newly emerging countries.

Obesity and a large proportion of visceral fat are almost the same things.

Now it is for sure the fat genetic variations are causing visceral Fat Distribution. Central obesity is hiding the surplus amount of visceral fat and is the result of irregular fat distribution caused by fat genetic variations.

Obesity is influenced by fat adipose genetic, environmental factors, and Different ethnicity that has different fat genetic backgrounds.


Adipose fat tissue function, distribution, and deposits differ also by sex genes.

Men are more inclined to accumulate visceral fat, while on the contrary women accumulation more subcutaneous fat before menopause and visceral fat after menopause.

There are more than 45 adipose genes that are deciding about the creation of your abdominal visceral fat.

Around 30 to 70 percent of abdominal visceral fat that we carry is inherited and is related to adipose visceral genetics.

Persons with apple-shaped physiques are more likely to inherit and pass down the visceral fat through their adipose visceral genes.

We can inherit dangerous visceral fat genes from our father or our mother or both. If you are unlucky, you can be flooded with a lot of unhealthy genetically deformed adipose visceral genes. That causes your fat belly to easily grow over the borders of healthy fat leading you to obesity.


As mention before many adipose genes are influencing the formation of abdominal visceral fat and the genes themselves are affected by hormones.

One particular hormone is causing us today a lot of trouble in gaining weight and that is cortisol. Cortisol is also known as a stress hormone that gets activated by stress.

So more stress, more cortisol more fat. If you are exposed to cortisol for a long time, it can cause a total change of your body shape from elegant to obese.

Overfat can start to appear everywhere on your body, especially there where you are genetically fat predisposed to gain more fat.


Stress caused to your body production of cortisol that derives fat from fat reservoirs and throws it into the bloodstream to empower other body organs with the necessary energy to fight the stress. Remaining of the fat that was not used for energy get back deposit into fat reservoirs especially into the abdomen visceral area.

Stress and sudden accumulation of unhealthy waistline fat, trigger threatening terrible eating habits that lead to out-of-control obesity and tons of sicknesses.


Several fat genes were identified that contribute to weight gain and body fat distribution. These fat genes are inclined to store unhealthy visceral fat around your internal organs. It is proved that fat genes carry information about where your fat will be stored and what kind of fat will be created and accumulated.

Our fat genetics certainly has an impact on us. Our fat heritability pass to use more than 55% of visceral fat and more than 45% of subcutaneous fat.

Therefore, you have 80% to be obese if your both parents were obese and in opposition to this if your both parents have normal weight you will have less than 10% chance to be obese.

Our fat genes and mutations are responsible for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal depot.


The trend of obesity is increasing in today’s world, which means that men are getting 25% and women 30% more fat.

It is not that just our fat mass that is increasing, another problem is where this fat is distributed. When fat converts into visceral fat, it can create a serious metabolic disease.

Try discovering your fat depot genes that show their fat depot-specific expression, which means according to which genes you have more you will accumulate more fat in subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue. You will have more fat stored under your skin or in your belly.


Accumulated fat, deposited in a specific part of your body can have a physiological impact, and excessive visceral fat causes an increased risk of metabolic diseases.

Because excessive visceral fat brings you negative health consequences, we should be especially conscious that with advancing age, the accumulation of visceral fat increases.

A healthy lifestyle can deactivate fat genes that are causing you to deposit an enormous amount of visceral fat.

It is surprising what everything we inherit from our parents and how we resemble them. The same counts for visceral body fat distribution, which is our familial resemblance, and has a significant genetic influence on the distribution of visceral body fat, which is the central deposition of body fat.

Depends on what kind of fat genes you have, some people have genes inclined to store more visceral fat on the trunk in the abdominal area than others. On average possess men to have more visceral fat than women and with growth in age visceral fat increases dramatically in both genders.

Genetic heritability has a significant effect on the distribution of fat especially concern is visceral fat is influenced by visceral genes.

Find the origins and causes of your specific fat e.g. visceral or belly fat that you accumulated at certain parts of your body and find strategies to eliminate it and lose extra weight.

Please be aware that your adipose genes can contribute to the possibility of being overweight or obese and play an exclusive role in where your fat will be stored.


The problem of having the stockpile of visceral adipose tissues or belly fat is that visceral fat manipulates some of the hormones particularly the leptin hormone that controls the function of hunger.

Fat or obese People have a high level of leptin, which causes them to feel more hungry and has more often stimulated a desire to eat more food, this of course leads to gaining more weight.

Some genes are affecting your appetite control for food, and others are related to the process of how your body converts food and drinks into energy.

Visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues have the capacity to produce different hormones some that are related to leptin and others to insulin.

Studies have found that more than 15 genes are linked to obesity and more than 10 genes are influencing the distribution of your fat in your body.

When these genes have elevated levels, because of excessive fat, they are causing progress in overweight and obesity at the same time they increase the distribution of fat to your belly or under your skin.


The behavior and act of adipose fat genes are important because they are causing the creation and control of adipose fat tissue. Adipose fat genes are the main manager of fat storage, they are regulating the storage and release of energy from food in the human body.

The negative regulation of visceral fat genes causes the accumulation of excess fat because the body does not have enough sufficient fat stores to store extra fat. During high fat, consumption is additional fat stored in internal organs, which causes their disruption in the proper performance of vital functions in the body.