Visceral Fat Level Measured By Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis


Bioelectrical impedance and visceral fat.
Analysis of visceral fat through a bioelectrical impedance device. Measurement of visceral fat with body composition analyser. Visceral fat loss and smart scales.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a commonly used method for assessing body composition.

Particularly body fat and muscle mass. In BIA, a weak electric current flows through the body.

And the impedance (resistance) of the body is measured to calculate the voltage.

Muscle And Water

The muscles are storing most of the body’s water. If a person is more muscular, there is a good chance that they will also have more body water.

Which leads to a lower impedance. The appearance of the first commercially available devices was in the mid-1980s.

The method has become popular due to the ease of use and portability of the equipment.

It is known in the consumer market as a simple instrument for assessing body fat.

Bioelectrical Impedance And Body Tissue

BIA determines electrical impedance. Or opposition to the flow of electrical current through body tissues.

Which can then be used to estimate total body water (TBW). Which can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, relative to body mass, body fat.

Accuracy Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Many early research studies found BIA to be quite variable. And many did not consider it to provide an accurate measure of body composition.

In recent years, technological improvements have made BIA slightly more reliable. And therefore a more acceptable way to measure body composition.

It is DEXA and MRI and not BIA that is considered the reference method in body composition analysis.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Device

The instruments are easy to use. But special attention should be paid to the method of use.

Simple devices for estimating body fat are often using BIA. And are available to consumers as body fat meters.

These instruments are generally considered to be less accurate. Than those used clinically or in nutrition and medical practice.

Dehydration And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

They usually have a low body fat percentage reading. Dehydration is a recognized factor affecting BIA measurements.

As it causes an increase in body values of electrical resistance.

So it has been measured to cause a 5 kg underestimation of fat-free mass, i.e. overestimation of body fat.

Food And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Body fat readings are lower when taken shortly after a meal. Resulting in differences between the highest and lowest body fat percentage.

Readings are taken during the day of up to 4.2% body fat.

Moderate exercise before BIA measurements leads to an overestimation of fat-free mass.

And an underestimation of body fat percentage reduces impedance.

Exercise And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

For example, moderate-intensity exercise 90–120 minutes before BIA measurements.

Results in an almost 12-kilogram overestimation of fat-free mass. I.e. Body fat is significantly underestimated.

Therefore, it is recommended not to perform BIA. When? After several hours of moderate or high-intensity exercise.

Accuracy Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

BIA is considered reasonably accurate for measuring groups. With limited accuracy for tracking an individual’s body composition over time.

But is not considered accurate enough for recording individual measurements of individuals.

Consumer BIA devices are insufficiently accurate for single use.

And are more suitable for use to measure changes in body composition over time for individuals.

Two Vs Four Electrodes Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Measurement with two electrodes leg to leg is less accurate. The measurement with four electrodes (legs, arms) and eight electrodes.

Results from some of the four- and eight-electrode instruments tested found poor limits of agreement.

And in some cases, systematic bias in estimating visceral fat percentage.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Resting Energy Expenditure (REE)

But good accuracy in predicting resting energy expenditure (REE).

Compared to more accurate whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI ) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).

Multiple Frequencies Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

The use of multiple frequencies in certain eight-electrode BIA devices. It has been found to have a 94% correlation method with DEXA. In measuring body fat percentage.

If strict guidelines are followed. The correlation with DEXA is up to 99% when measuring muscle mass.

Historical Background Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

These properties have further been described for a wider range of frequencies. On a larger range of tissues.

Including those that have been damaged or altered after death.

In 1962, Thomasset performed the original studies using electrical impedance measurements.

As an index of total body water (TBW). Using two subcutaneously inserted needles.

In 1969, Hoffer concluded. That total body water could be predicted by measuring whole-body impedance.

Impedance Index And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

This equation, Hoffer demonstrated, is known as the impedance index. Which is used in BIA.

By the 1970s, the foundations of BIA had been laid. Including those supporting the relationship between impedance and body water content.

Then there are various single-frequency BIA analyzers. Such as RJL Systems and its first commercialized impedance meter.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Frequency

In 1980, Lukaski, Segal, and other researchers discovered the use of a single frequency (50 kHz) in BIA.

They assumed that the human body was a single cylinder. Which created many technical limitations in BIA.

Using a single frequency was inaccurate for populations. That did not have a standard body type.

Equation Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

To improve the accuracy of BIA, researchers created empirical equations.

Using empirical data (gender, age, ethnicity) to predict the user’s body composition.

In 1986, Lukaski published empirical equations using impedance index, body weight, and reactance.

In 1986, Kushner and Scholler published empirical equations. Using impedance index, body weight, and gender.

However, empirical equations were only useful for predicting the body composition of the average population.

And were not medically accurate for populations with the disease.

Multiple Frequencies Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

In 1992, Kushner proposed using multiple frequencies. To increase the accuracy of BIA devices.

To measure the human body as 5 different cylinders (right arm, left arm, trunk, right leg, left leg) instead of one.

Using multiple frequencies would also distinguish between intracellular and extracellular water.

By the 1990s, the market included several multi-frequency analyzers. The use of BIA as a bedside method has increased.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Equipment

Because the equipment is portable and safe. The procedure is simple and noninvasive. And the results are reproducible and quickly obtained.

Recently, segmental BIA has been developed. To overcome the discrepancy between resistance (R) and trunk body mass.

In 1996, an eight-pole BIA device was created. It did not use empirical equations.

And was found to offer accurate estimates of TBW and ECW in women. Without the need for population-specific formulations.

Measurement Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Configuration

Cellular tissue impedance can be modeled as a resistor. Representing the extracellular pathway in parallel with a resistor.

And capacitor in series representing the intracellular pathway.

This results in a change in impedance. Compared to the frequency used in the measurement.

The impedance measurement is usually measured from the wrist to the contralateral ankle. And uses two or four electrodes.

A small current of 1-10 μA is passed between two electrodes.

And the voltage is measured between the same (for a two-electrode configuration). Or between the other two electrodes.

Phase Angle Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

In bioelectrical impedance analysis in humans, an estimated phase angle can be obtained.

And is based on changes in resistance and reactance. As an alternating current passes through the tissues.

Causing a phase shift. The phase angle is larger in men than in women. And decreases with age.

What Is Body Composition Analyzer?

Body composition meters calculate body composition. Using dual-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).

Foot pads on the meter board send safe, weak electrical signals through the body.

The signal flows easily through fluids in muscles and other body tissues.

But encounters resistance when passing through body fat. As body fat contains only a small proportion of fluid.

Body Composition Analyzer Impedance

This resistance is called impedance. The impedance readings are then entered into medically researched mathematical formulas. To calculate your body composition.

Body composition analyzers include dual-frequency BIA technology of medical quality.

Which enables the most accurate measurement of body composition. In the comfort of your own home.

Frequency Body Composition Analyzer

The use of two different frequencies of bioelectrical impedance provides key data.

This information is for assessing the intercellular and intracellular state of a person.

This advanced technology allows for greater accuracy in calculating body composition measurements.

The body composition analyzer shows you the exact measurement of fat and muscles. In each part of the body (arms, legs, trunk).

Analysis Body Composition Analyzer

Use the analysis to find out which part of the body is the most critical. For the amount of fat and muscle.

You need to load this body part even more. And use physical exercises that build up this muscle.

In further measurements with the body composition analyzer.

Find out whether the amount of fat has decreased and the muscles have been built up.

The results will let you know the. If the physical exercises for a particular segment have been paid for.

When is it best to use a body composition analyser for measuring?

The body’s water level naturally fluctuates during the day and at night.

Larger changes in the amount of water in the body can affect body composition readings.

For example, the body is dehydrated in the morning after a long sleep.

So a reading immediately in the morning would show a lower body weight. And a higher percentage of body fat.

Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness, exercise, and swimming. Can also affect the level of dehydration.

Readings Body Composition Analyzer

For the most reliable readings. The body composition meter should be used at the same time of day.

And under the same conditions. A good time to measure is before dinner.

The body composition analyzer shows you

Body Fat Percentage

Lowering the level of excess body fat lowers the risk of certain medical conditions.

Such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

The body composition analyzer application immediately tells you. Whether you belong to the healthy or critical group.

The Proportion Of Body Water

Body water percentage is the total amount of fluid in a person’s body. Expressed as a percentage of total weight.

Drinking a large amount of water at once. It will not immediately affect your body’s water levels.

This will make your body fat reading higher because of the extra weight.

Sufficient water in the body means normal functioning of the organs.

Muscle Mass

Check how much muscle mass you have produced during training. Is your training effective at all?

Muscles play an important role. As they are like a machine that consumes energy.

By increasing muscle mass, energy consumption also increases.

Which enables the loss of excess body fat and weight loss in a healthy way.

Muscle Quality

The muscle quality score represents muscle quality/condition. Which varies with factors such as age and fitness.

The dual body composition meter uses 2 different frequencies to measure bioelectrical impedance.

And these results are used to assess muscle condition by assessing muscle quality.

It is important to maintain a good balance between muscle mass and muscle quality.

Body Score Indicator

This feature estimates your figure. As the ratio of body fat to muscle mass in your body.

If you become more active and reduce the amount of body fat. Your figure score will change accordingly.

Even if your weight doesn’t change. Your muscle mass and body fat can change. Making you healthier. And reducing your risk of certain diseases.

The body composition analyzer application immediately shows you. Whether you belong to the healthy or critical group.

Bone Mass

This function indicates the amount of bone in the body. Research has shown. Exercise and the development of muscle tissue. Are associated with stronger and healthier bones.

Basal Metabolism – BMR

It is the minimum level of energy your body needs at rest to function efficiently. We also use calories while we sleep.

About 70% of the calories your body uses daily are consumed by your basal metabolism.

Your BMR is greatly affected by the amount of muscle you have. So increasing your muscle mass also increases your basal metabolic rate.

A higher BMR burns more calories and helps reduce body fat.

The Price Of Metabolic Age

If your metabolic age is higher than your actual age. It means you need to improve your basal metabolic rate.

More exercise builds healthy muscle tissue, which improves your basal metabolic rate.

(BMI) Body Mass Index

It indicates the relationship between height and weight. The analyzer immediately shows you the body composition analyzer application. Whether you belong to the healthy or critical group.

Visceral fat – the level of fat in the abdominal area

It is the fat inside the abdominal cavity. That surrounds the vital organs in the abdominal area.

By maintaining a healthy level of visceral fat, you can reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Diseases And Body Composition Analyzer

E.g. heart disease, high blood pressure, and the onset of diabetes 2. The body composition analyzer app immediately shows you whether you belong to a healthy or critical group.

Note: You can have a high level of visceral fat despite having a low body fat level.

Segmental Analysis Of Muscle Mass

Analysis and results of the proportion of muscle mass of each limb separately. Your hands can be quite different from each other.

So you need to know which limb you need to work more on (lifting weights, playing sports).

Smart Scales Characteristics

SMART SCALES – scam or must-have equipment?
The era of the conventional scale is over.

Like most common gadgets. This one also got its digital version. A smart scale is a device that not only weighs you. But also measures a bunch of other physical characteristics for you.

In addition to weight. You can also track other essential body data. Such as body fat percentage, BMI (body mass index), BMR (basal metabolic rate), muscle mass percentage, water percentage, and more.

With its help, you will easily monitor your progress in training. Or the general state of the body. As the data will be automatically synchronized with the application on your smartphone.

Smart Scales Analysis

You receive an analysis of your body composition along with your weight. And you will be able to create a more comprehensive picture of your body’s overall health.

Which will help you make decisions. About the type of exercise, diet, and hydration that is optimal for you and to achieve your goal.

For example, if you measure your body fat. And see that your body fat percentage is dropping. While your total body weight remains the same.

Fat Loss And Smart Scales

You can infer that you are gaining muscle mass while losing fat mass. These are insights into the state of your body. That a traditional scale could never show you them.

It is a misconception that only those who want to lose a kilo or two should weigh themselves. Individuals with a simple goal can also include a smart scale in their everyday life.

To live in a healthy body that we feel is healthy. And from the data, we know that it is healthy (sufficiently hydrated, suitable weight…).

How Do Smart Scales Work And Can We Trust Them?

Smart scales are just like regular scales and are Very simple to use. When you step on it, it will simply weigh you. And measure the rest of your physical characteristics.

You’re probably wondering how a scale you simply step on can measure what proportion of your body is fat. The answer can be found with the help of sensors located on the silver plates on top of the scale.

The sensors use bioelectrical impedance technology. When you step on the scale, the sensors pass a small electrical current through your legs. Which flows down your leg, across your pelvis, and through your entire body to your other leg. And measures the amount of body fat resistance.

Smart Scales Impedance

Body fat (adipose tissue) causes greater resistance (impedance) than fat-free mass. And slows the rate at which current flows. Current also flows faster through the water. Which, together with muscles, is a good conductor.

While bones (and also fat) are poor conductors of electricity. When using the scale for the first time. The user also enters other data necessary for certain calculations (gender, age, and height).

But we must be aware of that. In general, such measurements and calculations can only provide rough estimates. Although safe to use, many variables can affect your results.

Variables Affect On Smart Scales

These variables are:

Your gender: women naturally have more body fat than men.
pregnancy: these scales are not recommended during pregnancy,
your age: measurements are not reliable for people under 18.
your height and build, and frequent endurance training.

Scales also cannot tell where fat is located in the body. You might be wondering at this point. Why would you even buy a smart scale and not just a regular one?

Although there are factors that can affect the accuracy of body trait data readings. A regularly used scale can show changes in your body fat. And other body data over a long period.

Smart Scales Results

So, although the actual result of each piece of data may not be perfect. The measured data can still be used to monitor changes in body composition. That is taking place and regulating them with changes in diet or exercise.

Monitoring changes is extremely easy. As after each use the data is automatically synchronized with the application on your smartphone (including smartwatches and other smart devices).

Applications And Smart Scales

Most smart scales are thus compatible with several applications, such as Apple Health, Fitbit, Google fit, etc.

Some smart scales also allow multiple individuals to use them. Thus, each individual creates his user profile, Which he connects to the application (via WiFi or Bluetooth connection).

The scale then automatically recognizes the user when in use. And automatically synchronizes the data only with that user’s phone.

To make your decision easier. And to help you with your purchase, we have presented below the best-selling smart scale characteristics from our range.

Anker Eufy C1 Smart Scale

The Anker Eufy C1 Smart Scale is a product of Anker, one of the leading brands of mobile accessories and smart home products.

It allows measuring as many as twelve data about your body. It has two pairs of sensitive G sensors. That improves measurement accuracy by an additional 10%.

Multiple user profiles are available (for up to 16 users). Eufy C1 will remember different users and save data automatically.

The scales are therefore suitable for all members of the family. The data is displayed on a large LED screen, on which large numbers are displayed.

Anker Eufy C1 Bluetooth Technology

With the help of Bluetooth technology, the scale can be connected to your mobile phone. The EufyLife app is available to you. Which automatically records your weighing data and displays your progress. You can sync the app with Apple Health, Fitbit, and Google Fit. Keeping all your data in one place.

Measurements Of Anker Eufy C1

Measures (and calculates based on measurements): weight, body fat percentage, BMI, body water percentage, BMR, visceral fat percentage, body fat mass, lean body mass, bone percentage, bone mass, muscle mass, and muscle percentage.
Measuring capacity: up to 180 kg.

You can save up to 16 different users, which the scale automatically recognizes when in use.

Pros: Anti-slip top plate and low, stable design. The curved glass top plate protects you from bumping into sharp edges. Instant Bluetooth connection that syncs data to the app.

App connection: Apple Health, Fitbit, and Google fit. The scale is compatible with devices that support iOS 9.0 and newer versions, or Android 4.4 and newer versions.

Anker Eufy P1 Smart Scale, Blue

The Anker Eufy P1 smart scale is one of the more powerful representatives of Anker smart scales. Compared to the Eufy C1 model. This model also allows the calculation of body age based on the results of other measurements.

And the calculation of protein content. The rest of the specifications are the same as the Eufy C1 model.

Measurements Of Anker Eufy P1

Measures (and calculates based on measurements): weight, body fat percentage, BMI, body water percentage, BMR, visceral fat percentage, body fat mass, lean body mass, bone percentage, bone mass, muscle mass, muscle percentage, body age, and protein content.

Measuring capacity: up to 180 kg.
You can save up to 16 different users. Which the scale automatically recognizes when in use.

Advantages Of Anker Eufy P1

Pros: Anti-slip top plate and low, stable design. The curved glass top plate protects you from bumping into sharp edges. Instant Bluetooth connection that syncs data to the app. An ITO coating is applied to the surface of the smart scale. Which contributes to even more accurate measurements.

App connection: Apple Health, Fitbit, and Google fit. The scale is compatible with devices that support iOS 9.0 and later versions or Android 4.4 and later versions.

Smart Scale Max mobile CS20C1, White

The Max mobile CS20C1 smart scale is an excellent tool for measuring fourteen different body data. It measures body weight, body fat content, body water content, muscle mass, bone mass, protein content, body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (BMR), visceral fat, and other basic and active metabolic values.

The scale features advanced BIA technology and a built-in 4 x ITO pulse conductor. It makes it easy to track data in the Feel Fit app. Which is available for Android or iOS mobile devices.

Measurements Of Max mobile CS20C1

Measures (and calculates based on measurements): weight, body fat content, body water content, muscle mass, bone mass, body mass index BMI, basal metabolic rate BMR, visceral fat, metabolic age, subcutaneous fat, skeletal muscle, protein content, lean body mass, and body composition assessment.

Measuring capacity: up to 180 kg.
You can store an infinite number of users.
Advantages: advanced BIA technology, surface made of tempered white glass.
App Link: Feel Fit (scale’s app), compatible with Android and Apple iOS.

Xiaomi Mi Smart 2 Smart Scale, white

The Xiaomi Mi Smart 2 smart scale is a product of one of the most recognized Chinese brands – Xiaomi. In addition to detecting weight, it also calculates the body mass index (BMI), and thanks to its high accuracy, it also enables the weighing of smaller objects.

It has a built-in LED screen for checking measurements. Which is placed under the plastic surface and turns on during the measurement itself, but remains invisible when the scale is in standby mode. It has a body balance assessment function.

Measurements Of Xiaomi Mi Smart 2

Measures (and calculates based on measurements): weight and body mass index (BMI), the weight of objects.
Measuring capacity: up to 150 kg.

You can save up to 16 different users. Who is automatically recognized by the scale when they are used? It also allows you to turn on guest mode. So that others can use it without their data being saved to the app.

Xiaomi Mi Smart 2 Advantages

Advantages: slightly curved shape, which reduces the risk of injury. Anti-slip feet ensure a stable position on any surface. Allows weighing objects (heavier than 100 g).
App Link: Mi Fit is available for Android and iOS smart devices. It uses Bluetooth 5.0 to connect.

Body Fat Composition Analysis

The human body element analysis equipment uses the precise measurement of the AVR microcomputer controller.

Based on the new DXA statistical method, analyzes the human elements: ITI fat mass (body mass index), lean fat, and other health indicators using the multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance (MFBIA) method.

It is used for larger fitness centers, fitness centers, medical centers, and senior clubs that support weight loss projects.

The current has different penetrating power depending on the frequency. Because the low frequency cannot penetrate the cells and run on the water of the outer surface. It only measures the water content outside the cells.

Higher Frequency Body Fat Composition Analysis

While the higher frequency means that you can even measure the water content inside the cells. Because it penetrates inside the cells. That is, by using a varied frequency, can accurately measure the water content inside and outside the cells separately.

When the body touches the electrode, there is contact resistance. And it is important to monitor the contact resistance to correctly measure the resistance in the body.

Product Effects Body Fat Composition Analysis

Analysis of segmented body composition

Detect BMI and other health data

Healthy report and weight management plan

Test Scope: (Body Composition Analyzer)

  1. Weight
  2. Body fat
  3. Weight without fat
  4. Water content
  5. Proteins
  6. Skeletal muscles
  7. Target weight
  8. Weight control
  9. Fat control
  10. Muscle control

In addition, it can print an analysis report and has a memory function.

The products are approved by CE and ROHS.

Body Fat Composition Analysis Advantages

  1. Accurate: The most advanced CE-cleared multi-frequency electrical impedance body composition analyzer (25HZ, 50HZ, 100HZ).
  2. Expert: a total of 26 body composition analysis values with height measurement.
  3. Fast: Provides highly accurate full-body coverage in less than 20 seconds.
  4. Two printers: built-in micro thermal printer and HP color printer are included for free. The thermal printer works quickly and conveniently and offers an optional A4 color printout.
  5. Storage and sending: The SD card can transfer the test data to the computer, and with the first letter of the customer’s name, it can easily find the test data.

Body Fat Composition Analysis Parameters

1 Voltage: AC110V / 220V
2 Controller: 32x24cm digital display
3 Testing range: 10-200 Kg.
4 Size: 50.4×81.8×116.5cm
5 Weight: 40 kg.
6 Touch operation
7 Health assessment
8 Easy to install. Easy to maintain.
9 Store up to 120 complete history records

Body Fat Composition Analysis Accessories

Hand electrode
Main power line
Crystal data line
Inkjet printer
Inkjet printer data line
Printer power cord
Colored paper for printing
Paper for thermal printing
Hex screw
Hex screwdriver


  • Muscle And Water
  • Bioelectrical Impedance And Body Tissue
  • Accuracy Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Device
  • Dehydration And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Food And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Exercise And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Accuracy Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Two Vs Four Electrodes Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Resting Energy Expenditure (REE)
  • Multiple Frequencies Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Historical Background Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Impedance Index And Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis


  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Frequency
  • Equation Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Multiple Frequencies Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Equipment
  • Measurement Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Configuration
  • Phase Angle Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
  • What Is Body Composition Analyzer?
  • Body Composition Analyzer Impedance
  • Frequency Body Composition Analyzer
  • Analysis Body Composition Analyzer
  • When is it best to use a body composition analyzer for measuring?
  • Readings Body Composition Analyzer


  • Body Fat Percentage
  • The Proportion Of Body Water
  • Muscle Mass
  • Muscle Quality
  • Body Score Indicator
  • Bone Mass
  • Basal Metabolism – BMR
  • The Price Of Metabolic Age
  • (BMI) Body Mass Index
  • Visceral fat – the level of fat in the abdominal area
  • Diseases And Body Composition Analyzer
  • Segmental Analysis Of Muscle Mass


  • Smart Scales Characteristics
  • Smart Scales Analysis
  • Fat Loss And Smart Scales
  • How Do Smart Scales Work And Can We Trust Them?
  • Smart Scales Impedance
  • Variables Affect On Smart Scales
  • Smart Scales Results
  • Applications And Smart Scales
  • Anker Eufy C1 Smart Scale
  • Anker Eufy C1 Bluetooth Technology
  • Measurements Of Anker Eufy C1
  • Anker Eufy P1 Smart Scale, Blue
  • Measurements Of Anker Eufy P1
  • Advantages Of Anker Eufy P1
  • Smart Scale Max mobile CS20C1, White
  • Measurements Of Max mobile CS20C1
  • Xiaomi Mi Smart 2 Smart Scale, white
  • Measurements Of Xiaomi Mi Smart 2
  • Xiaomi Mi Smart 2 Advantages
  • Body Fat Composition Analysis
  • Higher Frequency Body Fat Composition Analysis
  • Product Effects Body Fat Composition Analysis
  • Body Fat Composition Analysis Advantages
  • Body Fat Composition Analysis Parameters
  • Body Fat Composition Analysis Accessories