Visceral Fat Liver

Visceral Fat Liver: Why Is Fatty Liver Very Dangerous

Visceral Fat is the ultimate danger to the liver. It is the fat that is killing our liver’s life.
Prevent liver sickness, by knowing the effect of visceral fat on the liver.

Visceral Fat Liver Definition

The visceral fat liver is the liver covered with visceral fat. Visceral fat is causing to liver inflammation and liver fibrosis.

Liver essential body organ

Our liver is one of the major body organs. Therefore liver functions are essential for sustaining healthy and safe life.

Liver activity

One of the basic critical functions of the liver is removing toxic waste from the blood, balancing sugar levels in the blood, and providing essential nutrition for the body.

Despite this, the liver has even more than 400 other functions in the body.

Let us mention some additional most important functions of the liver:

  • Production of proteins

The liver makes the protein called Albumin. Albumin protein is very special because it carries the basic elements the that body needs.

Traveling through the bloodstream, Albumin distributes vitamins and hormones to other parts of the body.

  • Production of fluids

To absorb and digest fats from the small intestine, we need special fluid. This fluid is called Bile and is continuously produced by the liver.

  • Filtration of blood

Every minute pass through the liver 1,5 liters of the blood. In 24 hours goes through the liver 2.160 liters of blood.

All this huge amount of blood that circulates throughout the liver, gets dirty. Removing toxins and other harmful substances is one of the special missions of the liver.

  • Regulations of Amino Acids

Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins. We need proteins for our growth and development.

The liver is regulating the right amount of amino acids in the blood necessary for the formation of proteins.

  • Regulation of Blood Clotting

Blood Clots are preventing bleeding of the injured blood vessel. A blood vessel is a tube of different arteries and veins through which the blood, oxygen, and nutrients flow.

A tube through which the blood circulates in the body. Blood vessels include a network of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins.

The blood vessels are the circulatory system components that transport blood throughout the human body.

These vessels transport blood cells, nutrients, and oxygen to the tissues of the body.

  • Removal of Infections

One of the important assessments of the liver is the clearance of bacteria from the bloodstream.
The filtering process of the blood is part of the liver’s main central function.

Accordingly, the liver has mechanisms that catch and destroy bacteria found in the blood.

  • A storehouse of Vitamins and Minerals

A significant amount of vitamins (A, D, E, K, and B12) and minerals are stored in the liver.
The efficient nutrition of the body is provided with vitamins and minerals to the liver.

  • Processing of Glucose

The incredible ability of the liver is that can supply, convert, manufacture and remove glucose from the bloodstream.

Visceral fat liver or Hepatitis

When a surplus of fat is accumulated in the liver it causes a disorder of liver structure. Excessive fat in the liver disturbs the normal function of the liver in a human.

The liver´s extra fat is ground for unhealthy symptoms and the beginning of dangerous anatomical changes in the liver.

Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis is the name of the disease related to a sick liver with excessive fat in the liver.
Having hepatitis means having an inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis is the term used to describe inflammation of the liver.

A damaged or inflamed liver is not properly biological functional, causing disturbance to liver life important activities.
Inflammation of the liver is the response of liver tissues to unhealthy physically harmful substances.

The reaction of the liver in the form of inflammation can be redness, swollenness, or pain.

In the case of hepatitis, the excessive poisonous substance is visceral fat. A disproportional amount of visceral fat is covering the liver, causing it to suffocate. The affected liver by huge amounts of visceral fat is creating unpleasant potentially dangerous future circumstances.

In these troublesome conditions of the liver, the visceral fat can even penetrate the surface of the liver.
Visceral fat that is sneaking and hiding within the liver is causing more troubles to come.

Visceral fat liver and Cirrhosis

Further degradation of the liver from hepatitis leads to the next stage of liver sickness called cirrhosis.
Weaken or damaged liver is starting to get scars caused by liver diseases.

The scars are beginning to emerge on liver tissue after the damaged tissue is replaced with the new one.

The presence of many scars on liver tissue is causing normal functions of tissue to be replaced with the scars on liver tissue functionality.

The performance of liver tissue with the scars differs from the normal capabilities of the liver without scars. The liver tissue with the scars is leading to the unhealthy function of the liver called cirrhosis.

Obesity associated with visceral fat is one of the most common causes of liver tissue disorder.

Visceral fat liver and Insulin

Insulin is a hormone, which controls the amount of glucose level in our blood. Glucose is the sugar, that provides the fuel for existential biological functions of the human body. Accordingly, glucose is the central source supplies of energy.

The pancreas release insulin, which is delivered to the liver. Storage capacity and distribution of glucose are operated by the liver.

The liver needs to fulfil the needs of all physical bodies’ demand for insulin. Therefore one of the main functions of your liver is to process sugar in the blood.

A fatty liver disturbs the metabolism of glucose. An excessive amount of visceral fat in the liver leads to errors in liver metabolism. The defected liver is causing a deficiency and conversion problem of glucose into energy.

Having too much fat or carbohydrate in the liver brings about too much sugar in the bloodstream.

Consequently, too much insulin blocks the process of burning fat, which blocks the way of losing bodyweight.

Visceral fat liver and Blood pressure

Portal hypertension in the Liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is the most common cause of portal hypertension. High blood pressure created in the portal vein is called portal hypertension.

The portal vein is a blood vessel of the vein that transports blood to the liver from the intestine.

At the same time, the blood vessels are the components of the vein circulatory system, which deliver blood through veins. These blood vessels are important because are transporting blood cells, oxygen, and necessary nutrients to body tissues.

In addition, vessels are also taking away all unnecessary waste products including carbon dioxide from the body tissues.

The destabilization of blood vessels

The flow of the blood through the liver is disturbed due to elevated blood pressure in the portal of blood vessels.

Elevated blood pressure created due to portal hypertension is creating chaos between blood vessels. Instability of the blood pressure in the liver leads to the uncontrollable growth of new blood vessels.

Since occurred overpopulated number of blood vessels, not all vessels can now pass through blood flow from the intestine to the liver. In normal circumstances eliminates the liver all unwanted waste from the blood.

On the contrary, when portal hypertension appears, some blood vessels with the waste do not go through the filtration process of the liver.

Waste blood vessels that avoided the liver, pass directly into the general circulation of the blood.

Escaped dirty blood vessels are causing the impurity of the clean blood in the circulation system. When this occurs, portal hypertension brings all kinds of problems from bleeding in the gastrointestinal to vomiting of the blood.

Visceral fat and Liver cancer

An unmerciful amount of visceral fat is attacking the liver through progressive slaughtering sicknesses.
The damaged liver from hepatitis continues to fall into the next stage of being shattered by cirrhosis sickness.
In the end, cirrhosis leads wounded and damaged liver into the fatal stage.

A completely degraded and malfunctioned liver reached its final stage of sickness, liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma.

Liver cancer and Obesity

Usually, liver cancer appears in people, who were already long-term liver sick. In other words obese people, who carry the extra amount of visceral fat for a longer period of time are more inclined to get liver cancer.

The fifth most frequent cancer in the world is liver cancer. The strong presence of hepatocellular carcinoma in our society shows to us how much overweight people are.

It is difficult for us to realize right now at what stage of sickness is our liver if we are obese.

Unhealthy lifestyle and Hepatocellular carcinoma

Our very busy everyday lifestyle is preventing us from properly caring about our health.
Being unaware of the consequences of liver problems, we leave our unhealthy lifestyle just passing day by day.

It is very easy to see what is happening with a body condition on the outside e.g. if we hurt or cut our finger.

The real problem comes, when our internal organs start to be sick or hurt. In many cases to be honest with ourselves, how many times per day, week, or even months are we thinking about the well-being being of our internal organs.

The absence of a healthy way of life and late identification of liver illness prolongs the treatment of liver symptoms.
The rapid increase of visceral fat associated with obesity is giving parallel rise to liver cancer.

It is a matter of fact that obese individuals are more inclined to a higher risk of having hepatocellular carcinoma in the future.

To conclude abdominal visceral fat is an important source and strong stimulation of liver cancer development.
It plays a direct role in generating hepatocellular carcinoma.

Discover Visceral Fat in the Liver

How can we find out how much visceral fat we have in the liver? The most exact method that we can use in discovering of the amount of fat attached to the liver is computed tomography (CV).

Computed tomography or CT is a very precise technique using a computerized x-ray that scans and creates the digital image of a body part.

Computed tomography Liver Examination

Computed tomography device sents a focus x-rays on the patient’s sick part of the body that will be diagnostic.
X-rays are then rotated around the scanned body part. CT scans can capture detailed internal images during the process of radiography with x-rays.

The scanned shape of the body gets through the digitally straight cut, with x-rays. The results are obtained through cross-sections of the object in a two-dimensional image. We are converting three-dimensional shapes, through cross-section into two-dimensional radiography photos.

Therefore computed tomography X-rays are so successfully used for the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease.
The observations made during computed tomography are showing us the correlation between fatty liver and visceral fat.

Periodical examination of the liver with the CT method can provide us the information showing us the distribution
of visceral fat on the liver by passing of time. The inspection with computed tomography as a non-invasive measure displays very clearly the infiltration of the fat in the liver.

Visceral fat liver genetics

We inherited from each parent genetic material. The genetic material that we received is a chromosome in the form of a DNA molecule. In total, we received 46 chromosomes. Half chromosomes we inherited from our mother and the other half from our father.

DNA molecules can pass to us all or partial genetic instructions. The genetic instructions in DNA molecules are carrying very detail information about the programming code that will construct all of our physical bodies.

This specific information is programming the development, growth, and functioning of our human body.

Fat genes, in this case, are no exception, because they are also influenced by our inherited parent’s genes.
One of these genes is the PNPLA3 gene.

Importance of PNPLA3 gene

Why is so important to know more about the PNPLA3 gene? Because we inherited the PNPLA3 gene and it is found in fat cells as well as in the liver cells. This means that exist the relationship between fat and liver, which is mediated by the PNPLA3 gene.

The function of the PNPLA3 gene is to provide the information, which starts the creation of a protein adiponutrin.
Adiponutrin protein is balancing our energy, by using or storing fat in fat cells.

Also, the liver which is part of the digestive system has many functions, but also one of them is to store energy. Therefore the common base between fat cells and the liver is that they have the capacity of storing energy as fat.

Effects of PNPLA3 gene

The PNPLA3 gene act in such a way to affect abdominal visceral fat and liver fat. This means, that when PNPLA3 increases abdominal visceral fat volume increases at the same time also the liver fat.

Accordingly, if our parents were obese, we are having many chances to inherit the obesity through the PNPLA3 gene.

Inherited fatty PNPLA3 gene plus our obesity or overweight are the magnets to attract fatty liver diseases.
Luckily today we can measure the fat of the liver with the computed tomography (CT) method, which is widely used and is non-invasive process of body scanning.

The studies found, that the PNPLA3 gene indicates a stronger influence of it on women compared to men.
This unfortunately means that are women more vulnerable to liver fat accumulation and an increase in visceral fat, in contrast to men.


Visceral Fat Liver: Why Is Fatty Liver Very Dangerous

  • Visceral Fat Liver Definition
  • Liver essential body organ
  • Liver activity
  • Visceral fat liver or Hepatitis
  • Inflammation of the liver
  • Visceral fat liver and Cirrhosis
  • Visceral fat liver and Insulin
  • Visceral fat liver and Blood pressure
  • Portal hypertension in the Liver
  • The destabilization of blood vessels
  • Visceral fat and Liver cancer
  • Liver cancer and Obesity
  • Unhealthy lifestyle and Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Discover Visceral Fat in the Liver
  • Computed tomography Liver Examination
  • Visceral fat liver genetics
  • Importance of PNPLA3 gene
  • Effects of PNPLA3 gene